Well, I haven't been on this forum for a couple of weeks now and boy have I missed it!!! I have been swamped with final exams, but I took the last one today, thank goodness. I am proud to say that I have made the dean's list this semester with a perfect 4.0. The only down side to this is that I have a terrible cough that I am desperately trying not to give to my cf kid and this is Derby weekend here in Kentucky and for anyone that is not familliar with this, it's a big deal. Lots of parties, betting, cooking out, family and friends. One of the horses running this year is named Dominican. He was named after the dominican nuns at the college I am attending. The school had special shirts made up with the horse's name on them, cool huh?? I thought so. I'm rooting for Dominican this year. Anyone else out there have a horse picked??