differences between pediatric and adult cf clinics?


New member
I was wondering what the differences between pediatric and adult cf clinics were? From what I've read things have changed a lot since I was last at a clinic in the 80's. I know they try and keep CF patients apart now but I remember a big playroom that they threw all the kids into. What else has changed? Is it just a different team at the adult clinic and everything else is the same? Was also wondering if anyone goes to the adult clinic at Mcmaster in Hamilton? If so whats it like? Thanks. Just wondering what to expect.


New member
I was diagnosed as an adult, so I never went to a children's clinic. However, they are much more conscience of contamination than they were in the 80's. The clinic I go to puts people in separate exam rooms. Other than spirometry, the staff rotate into your room to see you. They put on a clean disposable gown when seeing each patient. For some infections, they have tougher standards. I have mycobacterium abscessus, so I do my spirometry in my room. Also, I have to be in a negative pressure room.

I can't comment on the clinic in Hamilton. I go to the Toronto adult CF clinic at St. Michael's. Although they don't have enough exam rooms, the staff is fantastic. It's a very large clinic, so they're familiar with less common cases.