disability for cf kids?


New member
I am needing info on the possibility of filing for benefits for children with cf. will someone share their experience? or any advice? thanks


New member
Here is a starting point compliments of Julie:

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.cysticfibrosis.com/articles.cfm?article_id=100030">http://www.cysticfibrosis.com/....cfm?article_id=100030</a>


New member
Hi my name is Nicole my niece has cf...she was diagnosed about 4 months ago.
MY sister applied for SSI while my niece Alexis was being treated in the hospital...we still have not heard anything back yet but they did call her to see about her doctor because when they called for the doc they said there was no doctor of that name..obviously they are mistaken I think my sister knows the name of her doctor so anyway they called to verify the name with her nd haven't heard from them since...so my guess is they are evaluating her case now and we will have a answer soon..hopefully! I know they take a long time to get back with a yes or no...and I have aslo read on here that alot of people get denied which is bulls*it because my sister has no wasy of working because she has to be home taking care of my niece and the only people to take care of her are my mom and me and we both work full time jobs so that is not possible...of all fairness they give all this welfare and foodstamps to people that don't need it...I mean they need because they have had so many kids and they have no job...not because they cant work because they dont want to( now I'm saying everyone on it is like this but alot of people in my state are) and I dont think it is fair that cfer's have top go all this trouble to get health coverage and money becuase they have a disease that enables them from working and making a living..because if it came down to it I think that they would much rather be able to work and make their own living unlike all these other people who get it for not having a job and having to many kids they can't take care of.
Sorry I am going on about it but it really bothers me thinking all the trouble my sister and niece have ahead of them...on top of everthing else they have to deal with.
Thanks for listening.
I wish everyone good luck when dealing with SSI.


New member
I applied for SSI as well but haven't heard back from them yet...I know I didn't get their disability form but they have something else that I am being evaluated for. I also got MassHealth, I don't know if this pertains to you but if you can find something similar it helps with the co-pays. We found out about a lot of help from our social worker at the hospital they know what programs can help and which ones you will be most likely able to get. Hope this helps a little...always ask those people in the hospital like doctors and social workers they know the inner workings and provide the most help sometimes.


New member
i get disability living allowance which really helps me it means that i have money for care and stuff i have reasently got a brand new toyota yaris (called Arnie!!) from the mobility scheme that is run its a really good idea.

hope that has helped

Helen <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
my brother and i were on ssdi when we were younger, then one day they just cut us off and said we weren't sick enough. my mom got a lawyer, but we were still denied. well then this past year, 2 of my younger cousins got approved for ssdi because they have Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), so that tells me that ssdi is a joke.


New member
Helen, are you in the US? We don't have a "mobility" thing here. We just get montly cash benefits if one qualifies.

SSI/SSDI qualifications are the same but each program is based on differnet things. SSI is off of the entire families income, SSDI is based off of work history.
That being said, both are very very difficult to qualify for but NOT impossible. It takes a lot of work and dedication and all the crap they throw at you.

For those who are having trouble and need assistance in applying/fighting for benefits, I'm happy to help. Feel free to email me a division902@hotmail.com


New member
hey julie

no. im in england!!! the mobilty will be the same as SSI its just a monthyly payment that goes into a bank account and helps with care and mobility.

I do remember when i was applying there was a bit of paper work that needed to be done.

Helen xx <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
Oh, ok. What do you mean that you were able to get a new car? Did you just save your monthly payments and then buy a car or do they buy it for you??? Sounds like an awesome deal if they buy it for you!!