My 9 year old step-daughter has Distal Intestinal Obstruction Syndrome. She started having pains in her lower right abdomen 2/21/08 (Thursday). At first it didn't seem like a big deal. But then on Sunday (2/24/08) she cried when we put her on her vest. I am a medicine nazi, I took over her care about a year and a half ago because she was not getting anything but her enzymes and her prevacid due to the fact that she would beg her Dad to let her have a "break." She could and would break his heart, mine, too. But rather than let her see it, I would treat it in the same way I would treat a child not wanting to brush their teeth. So, when she skipped her vest on Sunday, I insisted if she were to need to skip her vest Monday morning she would need a a doctors appointment. She went to one doctor or another everyday this week until a cat scan on Thursday sent her to the hospital. She was found to have an intestinal obstruction and is now on her second day of being in the hospital.
My question is could this possibly be because of me doing something wrong? Before she was skinny do to skipping the feeding tube, but she didn't have stomach pains, and now this. I give her enzymes every time she eats, and before and after her feeding tube.
Has anyone had any experience with this? Is it normal for her to have this at such a young age? When I look it up on the internet I keep finding results where it happens to people in their 20's.
I keep hearing the words she said when I first started putting her on all her meds playing in my head over and again, "Terry, no one else made me do all this medicine, and I didn't get sick for them, I promise I won't get sick for you." Of course that made me sad then because I knew no matter what it was a promise she couldn't keep, but her getting so sick now has others saying it is strange that she has never had a problem like this before now. Could this possibly be my fault? How could I have prevented it from happening?
My 9 year old step-daughter has Distal Intestinal Obstruction Syndrome. She started having pains in her lower right abdomen 2/21/08 (Thursday). At first it didn't seem like a big deal. But then on Sunday (2/24/08) she cried when we put her on her vest. I am a medicine nazi, I took over her care about a year and a half ago because she was not getting anything but her enzymes and her prevacid due to the fact that she would beg her Dad to let her have a "break." She could and would break his heart, mine, too. But rather than let her see it, I would treat it in the same way I would treat a child not wanting to brush their teeth. So, when she skipped her vest on Sunday, I insisted if she were to need to skip her vest Monday morning she would need a a doctors appointment. She went to one doctor or another everyday this week until a cat scan on Thursday sent her to the hospital. She was found to have an intestinal obstruction and is now on her second day of being in the hospital.
My question is could this possibly be because of me doing something wrong? Before she was skinny do to skipping the feeding tube, but she didn't have stomach pains, and now this. I give her enzymes every time she eats, and before and after her feeding tube.
Has anyone had any experience with this? Is it normal for her to have this at such a young age? When I look it up on the internet I keep finding results where it happens to people in their 20's.
I keep hearing the words she said when I first started putting her on all her meds playing in my head over and again, "Terry, no one else made me do all this medicine, and I didn't get sick for them, I promise I won't get sick for you." Of course that made me sad then because I knew no matter what it was a promise she couldn't keep, but her getting so sick now has others saying it is strange that she has never had a problem like this before now. Could this possibly be my fault? How could I have prevented it from happening?