Distended Abdomen


New member
My CF baby girl is is due July 11th but in her sonogramtoday she appeared to have a distended stomach (abdomen measuring like a 40 week old). We are going to seea specialist on Monday and determine whether to induce my wife onTuesday or the next Tuesday (38th week). The baby is not in stress and has only dull echogenic bowels. We are going to try and keepher in for an extra week for lung development. Is there a test for this? Anybody else gone through this? I am so glad we knew ahead of time, all of this would have been a shock with out prenatal testing.Brad, and Blythe


New member
My son presented with a echogenic bowel at 20 weeks, when we went to rescan it appeared normal?I went into premature labour at 32 weeks which was stopped fortunately.When he finally arrived at 39 weeks, it was a very stressful labour and he was so swollen and his abdomen was very distended to the point that even though he was my first I knew that wasn't normal.My OB said that if this had been noticed earlier they would have induced me.I hope that everything will be ok for you and your partner.My little boy is 14 months with CF, he is in the 75th centile for weight and 95th for height and is absolutley thriving!Best of luck to you bothRebekah Mummy to Matt 14mths w/CF