Do you do a girls' night out?



Hi Kelly
My husband and I never used to go our separate ways. We only would go out as a couple, until the twins came along. So now its very rare for us to go out together, unless its to a Christmas party, bbq etc. Mind you, our interests vary too, I love to go out to a dance club, where as he would prefer just going to the movies or sitting down and having a beer at home, he really doesnt like to socialise that much. I think its cos hes getting old, lol.


New member
My foot`s sore from kicking my missus out to have girly nights out
with her mates. I partied hard in my 20`s ,so I don`t want her
missing out, just `cos I`m knackered after a long day at work.<br>
Unfortunately, due to my stunning good looks, and devastating wit,
not to mention modesty, lots of modesty, she usually winds up
staying in with me, watching films, sharing a bottle of wine. And
nachos. Lots of nachos!!


New member
I think b/c we are separated so often with him traveling for work, that when we are together neither one of us feels the need or wants to go separate ways. I always tell him to go to something if I don't feel up for it, but he never ends up going without me. If I had plans like with these old friends and my hubyy didn't have anything to do but sit at home, I would feel bad. I think we just like to be there for eachother, or maybe it's b/c we're still newlyweds!!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> Well, it's a little over a year now, but we're still newlyweds. We sit at home a lot too and have a bottle of wine, order our favorite foods for dinner (him Italian and me Thai), start a fire and watch movies and "camp out" in the living room overnight. That's our thing.

Thanks for your input.


New member
Could you split up just on occasion? Once every month or two? Or, another thought, can you do the girls night out when he's out of town? Other than that, I agree, on a regular basis I would not want to split up<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
whoa, really? you never do things apart?? to me <i>that </i>seems weird. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> i am not a huge fan of "girls' night" but it does happen... more often i am a one-on-one type of person anyway, not so much into big groups. have you actually ever asked your husband if he would mind you going out without him? i'm sure he knows you're not doing it to go paruse for other men. anyway, i think it's good to have time away, weather it's with a group of girls or mixed or one on one.

laura, 27


New member
It's not like we are never apart. I'm really just referring to Friday and Saturday nights. I'm actually a one-on-one type friendship person too, so I see my other girlfreinds when we can, and not usually with husbands. That's usually a really casual, spur of the moment thing. It more about on weekend nights when we might go out to a bbq, a bar, restaurant, etc with friends, I wouldn't want to leave him at home or tell him to set up other plans just because of the people I'm going out with. That's all. If my husband is free to do something and the people who are available to go out with don't want to have spouses around, then that's what I don't really care for. My hubby goes out of town often for work, and during those times I definitely go out with whoever since I'm all by myself. For us, I think splitting up to do stuff just is better when it's a natural occurance, not forced b/c 'no guys are allowed tonight' type thing. That's not for us, unless - it's only once in a while. Neither of us would be offended or anything if we asked to go out without the other, but not if it was all the time.

A long time ago I was in a fine relationship but the friends we hung out with at that time all seemed to need their space from their significant others or spouses. Often times it ended up feeling like the girls would get together and completely RAG on the guys while you just knew the other one attached to the one complaining was doing the same. It was like a scheduled time for each side to rag on the other. Really lame!! I never felt that need, and neither did my other at the time, but our friends did and it got extremely old. So now when I think of this splitting up time, it reminds of then. Oh well.


New member
I do a girls night once a month or so. WE used to go out dancing and what not but now we are old... we usually just do dinner. Mike encourages it. He'll hang out with a buddy that night. I hang out with my closest friends on the occasional week night and weekend day. If I go out with people who are just ragging on their boyfriends, I never join in. Mike's my best friend, I would never bitch about him.


What 'Kind' of fires are you starting with hubby??(LOL!)
I think it's good that even after a year of marriage, the two of you like to do things together. I'm sure many years down the road, you'll still have that, but may also have a few times to want to 'take a break' and go out with your mates once in a while.

I've been on both sides of the fence, and the first wife would ALWAYS leave me behind!!! She'd been to Tokyo Disneyland at least five times from my knowledge (she could have been there more, that liar!), yet I'd never been there ONCE!
Anytime we went somewhere, she'd always find something to complain about, and blame it on me!! I never could enjoy the places we went because of that.
She'd pull a lot of stunts to which, by the end of the marriage, I hardly knew whether she was coming or going, or who she even was for that matter.

My new wife, Yuka, and I always seem to enjoy our company together wherever we go. Like most couples, we have a few spats, but overall a good time.
The times I like the most with Yuka is when we both are doing something different in the same room; for example, we're both surfing the net. The other day, I pulled out her Casio synthesizer, and while she was pokin' around with it, I was looking at some computer projects to work on, while the two of us were singing a few songs!

But, even though one of us leaves the other one 'behind' a few times, it's because we like a little solitude once in a while to relax with.


My wife and I do things apart occasionally. It just seems we would rather do things together than apart. Certainly there are things I do without her, go to a game with the guys or something. But since I don't go to bars anymore(since my PFT's dropped won't go around smoke) its not like I am going out drinking anyway. As for my wife she doesn't do much either, she goes to a movie or shopping with a friend or her sister but that is really it. I think that my wife and I are better friends to each other than we are with anyone else so we just prefer being together than apart. Sounds like you guys are in the same boat.