Do You Get Worried In Case Your Life Could Be Over Before You Have Lived It??


New member
Hello im Danielle im 15 and suffer from cystic fibrosis! and this is my question 4 u! Do You Get Worried In Case Your Life Could Be Over Before You Have Lived It??
Do you ever get upset over things like dying?? or not being able to live your life the way you always wished you would?? Let me no how you feel!! write bk or email me on DB100_54@HOTMAIL.COM thank you xxx <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0"> xxx <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0"> xxx


New member casey im 15/f w/ cf...i worry all the time. im goin in for a PIC line monday october 10th. i worry all the time that im gonna die or something. i hate being in the hospital and i hate people askin questions about what i have. they dont understand what we go through everyday w/ medicine and how we feel. so yeah i worry all the time

casey <3


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Hey my name is rebekah and I have just turned 16 and i don't think about death all the time but it pops in my mind every now and but my mate died of CFa year ago and i miss him like crazy.Just say positive and have faith that you will get through your life and stay on top of cystic fibrosis If you want to talk my E-mail is <A href=""></A> cya Rebekah


New member
hi i just found this site and read what you wrote and i feel exactly the same. i'm 15 have cf and just started thinking about the same things i'm glad that other people are thinking the same and im not going crazy, i have found that keeping positive and living my life like a normal person (also known as blocking the fact) has helped me cope.



New member
Im 16 with CF and i never think about death really, you cant plan your life around this disease, you have to live your life and make the disease fit in with what you want to do. Yeah i hate going to the hospital but everyone does and if someone asks me about this disease i will tell them anything they want but i will tell them with an upbeat attitude so they know i dont want them to feel sorry for me. Just keep living life and don't get stuck down.

16 w. CF if you want to talk.


New member
I think of death alot but there is nothing you can do. you have to play the card you are given so i did. I bought my own house
i do every thing i want to do even if it is not good for my like use my wood burner.My advice to you do anty thing you want do not let cf stop you.


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hello im jody and im 15 i am so worried about dieing, i sometimes think to myself when i am on my own that i really dont want to die i even cry . i am even more worried because i have started to smoke and i dont no if i can because i have cystic fibrosis (cf)


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To Jody
You dont know if she should be smoking. You are kidding, right? Forgetting about your CF.....all the media campaigns about how smoking is bad for you & about second hand smoke is just as bad & all of this for people that dont already have lung problems. How can you honestly ask if you should be smoking or not? It should be OBVIOUS that you should NOT be smoking!!! With CF or not!!!!


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Hey! Well yeah I do wonder that often....If I will ever get to live my life to the fullest...And If I will ever be able to get married or, do things that I have always wanted to. But yeah I know how you feel ...the thing I always have to remind myself of, is that it will all work out in the end. Just enjoy life right now...enjoy the little things....It will be ok...SO yeah I hope you are able to live life to the fullest & enjoy it! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


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I'm 19 I have CF, and to you above me... don't feel bad, don't pity people who have CF, please. I don't think about dying so much as I worry about the people I will leave behind, my Mom my family the wonderful man I have in my life, people who I know care about me. Death isn't so scary, it's only one step of our journey. Times when I feel sick, or find myself loosing lots of weight, the thoughts creep into my mind. I try to stay positive, and tell myself it will be ok, whatever will be will be, trust that I will make it. Sometimes it is hard, knowing I was middle aged at 16, seeing myself waste away, looking at my scars. I don't deny it, or refuse to believe nothing will happen to me, but I live my life like I've got nothing to loose, it's a blessing, it's made me a better person I see there isn't time to be scared, or mean, or hold grudges, to love and laugh and live while I am able to do so, make the best of the time I'm so lucky to have. Everyone is going to die, they just have the luxury of not knowing when that is, and ironically, that's the thing that stops them from really living. It's all about how you choose to look at it.