Doctors visit tommorrow


New member
Well my son is still vomiting at least once a day so the blockage they cleared in the hospital was not the issue. He is still gaining weight even though he's vomiting. The Dr. has decided to do the upper GI test that they were going to do last time but changed their minds, it'll will be done at our visit tommorrow.I am hoping that the test will help us get to the bottom of the vomiting as it is frustrating for many reasons. I am afraid that they are going to suggest a feeding tube if the vomiting continues because even though he is gaining weight it's not at the rate they want and he doesn't get anywhere near the ounces of formula they want him to drink in a day. They want him to drink 20oz and he only averages between 12 and 15. I'm just still a bit overwhelmed as my son is only 9 1/2 weeks old. We will see what we find out tommorrow.


New member
Well my son is still vomiting at least once a day so the blockage they cleared in the hospital was not the issue. He is still gaining weight even though he's vomiting. The Dr. has decided to do the upper GI test that they were going to do last time but changed their minds, it'll will be done at our visit tommorrow.I am hoping that the test will help us get to the bottom of the vomiting as it is frustrating for many reasons. I am afraid that they are going to suggest a feeding tube if the vomiting continues because even though he is gaining weight it's not at the rate they want and he doesn't get anywhere near the ounces of formula they want him to drink in a day. They want him to drink 20oz and he only averages between 12 and 15. I'm just still a bit overwhelmed as my son is only 9 1/2 weeks old. We will see what we find out tommorrow.


New member
Well my son is still vomiting at least once a day so the blockage they cleared in the hospital was not the issue. He is still gaining weight even though he's vomiting. The Dr. has decided to do the upper GI test that they were going to do last time but changed their minds, it'll will be done at our visit tommorrow.I am hoping that the test will help us get to the bottom of the vomiting as it is frustrating for many reasons. I am afraid that they are going to suggest a feeding tube if the vomiting continues because even though he is gaining weight it's not at the rate they want and he doesn't get anywhere near the ounces of formula they want him to drink in a day. They want him to drink 20oz and he only averages between 12 and 15. I'm just still a bit overwhelmed as my son is only 9 1/2 weeks old. We will see what we find out tommorrow.


New member
Well my son is still vomiting at least once a day so the blockage they cleared in the hospital was not the issue. He is still gaining weight even though he's vomiting. The Dr. has decided to do the upper GI test that they were going to do last time but changed their minds, it'll will be done at our visit tommorrow.I am hoping that the test will help us get to the bottom of the vomiting as it is frustrating for many reasons. I am afraid that they are going to suggest a feeding tube if the vomiting continues because even though he is gaining weight it's not at the rate they want and he doesn't get anywhere near the ounces of formula they want him to drink in a day. They want him to drink 20oz and he only averages between 12 and 15. I'm just still a bit overwhelmed as my son is only 9 1/2 weeks old. We will see what we find out tommorrow.


New member
Well my son is still vomiting at least once a day so the blockage they cleared in the hospital was not the issue. He is still gaining weight even though he's vomiting. The Dr. has decided to do the upper GI test that they were going to do last time but changed their minds, it'll will be done at our visit tommorrow.I am hoping that the test will help us get to the bottom of the vomiting as it is frustrating for many reasons. I am afraid that they are going to suggest a feeding tube if the vomiting continues because even though he is gaining weight it's not at the rate they want and he doesn't get anywhere near the ounces of formula they want him to drink in a day. They want him to drink 20oz and he only averages between 12 and 15. I'm just still a bit overwhelmed as my son is only 9 1/2 weeks old. We will see what we find out tommorrow.


New member
Well the Dr. visit went ok. They di dthe upper GI and didn't find anything wrong. We decided to switch his formula again, this time we went to Pregestimil and we are hoping that this helps the vomiting. My question is why didn't they think of this sooner instead of putting him through all these tests? I should have thought of it too but they are the doctors, oh well just frustrated. Everything else was ok, his last throat culture was growing stuff so they need to see if this one does to know if he needs antibiotics we should find out in a few days. He hasn't been absorbing the fat like he should and has been having the oily ring in his diaper, they are hoping the formula will help that, if not then they will switch him from pancreacarb to creon. I asked the Dr. about the apple cider vinegar that so many on this site have talked about using for reflux and he said it increases acidity in the stomach and it would not be helpful, you know that's odd because so many people use it and they know it works. I'm beginning to wonder about switching clinics as our Dr. doesn't necessarily make sense. I siad something about the fact that our son is on alot of chemicals and he said the more chemicals the better,I don't think so how can your body learn to help itself if all the chemicals are doing it for you? My lack of faith in the Dr. also took a hit when he stated that rice is a complete protein, this is not true and the dietician was sitting there and stated no if you put beans with it then it would become a source of protein.Another issue we've been having is the whole weight thing, he is gaining about an ounce a day which is on par for infants but they still feel he needs to catch up,his dad is tall and skinny. My husband has a crazy high metabolizum and has a hard time gaining weight so this may be the case with our son.My oldest w/o cf(by another father) was too skinny according to the charts so we did what the doctors said and it caused him to be overweight I don't want to cause that for another one of my kids. My clinic is lacking to listen to us as parents.Sorry to be so logwinded but I am frustrated with everything and seriuosly trying to decide if switching clinics would be a good idea.


New member
Well the Dr. visit went ok. They di dthe upper GI and didn't find anything wrong. We decided to switch his formula again, this time we went to Pregestimil and we are hoping that this helps the vomiting. My question is why didn't they think of this sooner instead of putting him through all these tests? I should have thought of it too but they are the doctors, oh well just frustrated. Everything else was ok, his last throat culture was growing stuff so they need to see if this one does to know if he needs antibiotics we should find out in a few days. He hasn't been absorbing the fat like he should and has been having the oily ring in his diaper, they are hoping the formula will help that, if not then they will switch him from pancreacarb to creon. I asked the Dr. about the apple cider vinegar that so many on this site have talked about using for reflux and he said it increases acidity in the stomach and it would not be helpful, you know that's odd because so many people use it and they know it works. I'm beginning to wonder about switching clinics as our Dr. doesn't necessarily make sense. I siad something about the fact that our son is on alot of chemicals and he said the more chemicals the better,I don't think so how can your body learn to help itself if all the chemicals are doing it for you? My lack of faith in the Dr. also took a hit when he stated that rice is a complete protein, this is not true and the dietician was sitting there and stated no if you put beans with it then it would become a source of protein.Another issue we've been having is the whole weight thing, he is gaining about an ounce a day which is on par for infants but they still feel he needs to catch up,his dad is tall and skinny. My husband has a crazy high metabolizum and has a hard time gaining weight so this may be the case with our son.My oldest w/o cf(by another father) was too skinny according to the charts so we did what the doctors said and it caused him to be overweight I don't want to cause that for another one of my kids. My clinic is lacking to listen to us as parents.Sorry to be so logwinded but I am frustrated with everything and seriuosly trying to decide if switching clinics would be a good idea.


New member
Well the Dr. visit went ok. They di dthe upper GI and didn't find anything wrong. We decided to switch his formula again, this time we went to Pregestimil and we are hoping that this helps the vomiting. My question is why didn't they think of this sooner instead of putting him through all these tests? I should have thought of it too but they are the doctors, oh well just frustrated. Everything else was ok, his last throat culture was growing stuff so they need to see if this one does to know if he needs antibiotics we should find out in a few days. He hasn't been absorbing the fat like he should and has been having the oily ring in his diaper, they are hoping the formula will help that, if not then they will switch him from pancreacarb to creon. I asked the Dr. about the apple cider vinegar that so many on this site have talked about using for reflux and he said it increases acidity in the stomach and it would not be helpful, you know that's odd because so many people use it and they know it works. I'm beginning to wonder about switching clinics as our Dr. doesn't necessarily make sense. I siad something about the fact that our son is on alot of chemicals and he said the more chemicals the better,I don't think so how can your body learn to help itself if all the chemicals are doing it for you? My lack of faith in the Dr. also took a hit when he stated that rice is a complete protein, this is not true and the dietician was sitting there and stated no if you put beans with it then it would become a source of protein.Another issue we've been having is the whole weight thing, he is gaining about an ounce a day which is on par for infants but they still feel he needs to catch up,his dad is tall and skinny. My husband has a crazy high metabolizum and has a hard time gaining weight so this may be the case with our son.My oldest w/o cf(by another father) was too skinny according to the charts so we did what the doctors said and it caused him to be overweight I don't want to cause that for another one of my kids. My clinic is lacking to listen to us as parents.Sorry to be so logwinded but I am frustrated with everything and seriuosly trying to decide if switching clinics would be a good idea.


New member
Well the Dr. visit went ok. They di dthe upper GI and didn't find anything wrong. We decided to switch his formula again, this time we went to Pregestimil and we are hoping that this helps the vomiting. My question is why didn't they think of this sooner instead of putting him through all these tests? I should have thought of it too but they are the doctors, oh well just frustrated. Everything else was ok, his last throat culture was growing stuff so they need to see if this one does to know if he needs antibiotics we should find out in a few days. He hasn't been absorbing the fat like he should and has been having the oily ring in his diaper, they are hoping the formula will help that, if not then they will switch him from pancreacarb to creon. I asked the Dr. about the apple cider vinegar that so many on this site have talked about using for reflux and he said it increases acidity in the stomach and it would not be helpful, you know that's odd because so many people use it and they know it works. I'm beginning to wonder about switching clinics as our Dr. doesn't necessarily make sense. I siad something about the fact that our son is on alot of chemicals and he said the more chemicals the better,I don't think so how can your body learn to help itself if all the chemicals are doing it for you? My lack of faith in the Dr. also took a hit when he stated that rice is a complete protein, this is not true and the dietician was sitting there and stated no if you put beans with it then it would become a source of protein.Another issue we've been having is the whole weight thing, he is gaining about an ounce a day which is on par for infants but they still feel he needs to catch up,his dad is tall and skinny. My husband has a crazy high metabolizum and has a hard time gaining weight so this may be the case with our son.My oldest w/o cf(by another father) was too skinny according to the charts so we did what the doctors said and it caused him to be overweight I don't want to cause that for another one of my kids. My clinic is lacking to listen to us as parents.Sorry to be so logwinded but I am frustrated with everything and seriuosly trying to decide if switching clinics would be a good idea.


New member
Well the Dr. visit went ok. They di dthe upper GI and didn't find anything wrong. We decided to switch his formula again, this time we went to Pregestimil and we are hoping that this helps the vomiting. My question is why didn't they think of this sooner instead of putting him through all these tests? I should have thought of it too but they are the doctors, oh well just frustrated. Everything else was ok, his last throat culture was growing stuff so they need to see if this one does to know if he needs antibiotics we should find out in a few days. He hasn't been absorbing the fat like he should and has been having the oily ring in his diaper, they are hoping the formula will help that, if not then they will switch him from pancreacarb to creon. I asked the Dr. about the apple cider vinegar that so many on this site have talked about using for reflux and he said it increases acidity in the stomach and it would not be helpful, you know that's odd because so many people use it and they know it works. I'm beginning to wonder about switching clinics as our Dr. doesn't necessarily make sense. I siad something about the fact that our son is on alot of chemicals and he said the more chemicals the better,I don't think so how can your body learn to help itself if all the chemicals are doing it for you? My lack of faith in the Dr. also took a hit when he stated that rice is a complete protein, this is not true and the dietician was sitting there and stated no if you put beans with it then it would become a source of protein.Another issue we've been having is the whole weight thing, he is gaining about an ounce a day which is on par for infants but they still feel he needs to catch up,his dad is tall and skinny. My husband has a crazy high metabolizum and has a hard time gaining weight so this may be the case with our son.My oldest w/o cf(by another father) was too skinny according to the charts so we did what the doctors said and it caused him to be overweight I don't want to cause that for another one of my kids. My clinic is lacking to listen to us as parents.Sorry to be so logwinded but I am frustrated with everything and seriuosly trying to decide if switching clinics would be a good idea.


New member
Well the Dr. visit went ok. They di dthe upper GI and didn't find anything wrong. We decided to switch his formula again, this time we went to Pregestimil and we are hoping that this helps the vomiting. My question is why didn't they think of this sooner instead of putting him through all these tests? I should have thought of it too but they are the doctors, oh well just frustrated. Everything else was ok, his last throat culture was growing stuff so they need to see if this one does to know if he needs antibiotics we should find out in a few days. He hasn't been absorbing the fat like he should and has been having the oily ring in his diaper, they are hoping the formula will help that, if not then they will switch him from pancreacarb to creon. I asked the Dr. about the apple cider vinegar that so many on this site have talked about using for reflux and he said it increases acidity in the stomach and it would not be helpful, you know that's odd because so many people use it and they know it works. I'm beginning to wonder about switching clinics as our Dr. doesn't necessarily make sense. I siad something about the fact that our son is on alot of chemicals and he said the more chemicals the better,I don't think so how can your body learn to help itself if all the chemicals are doing it for you? My lack of faith in the Dr. also took a hit when he stated that rice is a complete protein, this is not true and the dietician was sitting there and stated no if you put beans with it then it would become a source of protein.Another issue we've been having is the whole weight thing, he is gaining about an ounce a day which is on par for infants but they still feel he needs to catch up,his dad is tall and skinny. My husband has a crazy high metabolizum and has a hard time gaining weight so this may be the case with our son.My oldest w/o cf(by another father) was too skinny according to the charts so we did what the doctors said and it caused him to be overweight I don't want to cause that for another one of my kids. My clinic is lacking to listen to us as parents.Sorry to be so logwinded but I am frustrated with everything and seriuosly trying to decide if switching clinics would be a good idea.


New member
Well the Dr. visit went ok. They di dthe upper GI and didn't find anything wrong. We decided to switch his formula again, this time we went to Pregestimil and we are hoping that this helps the vomiting. My question is why didn't they think of this sooner instead of putting him through all these tests? I should have thought of it too but they are the doctors, oh well just frustrated. Everything else was ok, his last throat culture was growing stuff so they need to see if this one does to know if he needs antibiotics we should find out in a few days. He hasn't been absorbing the fat like he should and has been having the oily ring in his diaper, they are hoping the formula will help that, if not then they will switch him from pancreacarb to creon. I asked the Dr. about the apple cider vinegar that so many on this site have talked about using for reflux and he said it increases acidity in the stomach and it would not be helpful, you know that's odd because so many people use it and they know it works. I'm beginning to wonder about switching clinics as our Dr. doesn't necessarily make sense. I siad something about the fact that our son is on alot of chemicals and he said the more chemicals the better,I don't think so how can your body learn to help itself if all the chemicals are doing it for you? My lack of faith in the Dr. also took a hit when he stated that rice is a complete protein, this is not true and the dietician was sitting there and stated no if you put beans with it then it would become a source of protein.Another issue we've been having is the whole weight thing, he is gaining about an ounce a day which is on par for infants but they still feel he needs to catch up,his dad is tall and skinny. My husband has a crazy high metabolizum and has a hard time gaining weight so this may be the case with our son.My oldest w/o cf(by another father) was too skinny according to the charts so we did what the doctors said and it caused him to be overweight I don't want to cause that for another one of my kids. My clinic is lacking to listen to us as parents.Sorry to be so logwinded but I am frustrated with everything and seriuosly trying to decide if switching clinics would be a good idea.


New member
Well the Dr. visit went ok. They di dthe upper GI and didn't find anything wrong. We decided to switch his formula again, this time we went to Pregestimil and we are hoping that this helps the vomiting. My question is why didn't they think of this sooner instead of putting him through all these tests? I should have thought of it too but they are the doctors, oh well just frustrated. Everything else was ok, his last throat culture was growing stuff so they need to see if this one does to know if he needs antibiotics we should find out in a few days. He hasn't been absorbing the fat like he should and has been having the oily ring in his diaper, they are hoping the formula will help that, if not then they will switch him from pancreacarb to creon. I asked the Dr. about the apple cider vinegar that so many on this site have talked about using for reflux and he said it increases acidity in the stomach and it would not be helpful, you know that's odd because so many people use it and they know it works. I'm beginning to wonder about switching clinics as our Dr. doesn't necessarily make sense. I siad something about the fact that our son is on alot of chemicals and he said the more chemicals the better,I don't think so how can your body learn to help itself if all the chemicals are doing it for you? My lack of faith in the Dr. also took a hit when he stated that rice is a complete protein, this is not true and the dietician was sitting there and stated no if you put beans with it then it would become a source of protein.Another issue we've been having is the whole weight thing, he is gaining about an ounce a day which is on par for infants but they still feel he needs to catch up,his dad is tall and skinny. My husband has a crazy high metabolizum and has a hard time gaining weight so this may be the case with our son.My oldest w/o cf(by another father) was too skinny according to the charts so we did what the doctors said and it caused him to be overweight I don't want to cause that for another one of my kids. My clinic is lacking to listen to us as parents.Sorry to be so logwinded but I am frustrated with everything and seriuosly trying to decide if switching clinics would be a good idea.


New member
Well the Dr. visit went ok. They di dthe upper GI and didn't find anything wrong. We decided to switch his formula again, this time we went to Pregestimil and we are hoping that this helps the vomiting. My question is why didn't they think of this sooner instead of putting him through all these tests? I should have thought of it too but they are the doctors, oh well just frustrated. Everything else was ok, his last throat culture was growing stuff so they need to see if this one does to know if he needs antibiotics we should find out in a few days. He hasn't been absorbing the fat like he should and has been having the oily ring in his diaper, they are hoping the formula will help that, if not then they will switch him from pancreacarb to creon. I asked the Dr. about the apple cider vinegar that so many on this site have talked about using for reflux and he said it increases acidity in the stomach and it would not be helpful, you know that's odd because so many people use it and they know it works. I'm beginning to wonder about switching clinics as our Dr. doesn't necessarily make sense. I siad something about the fact that our son is on alot of chemicals and he said the more chemicals the better,I don't think so how can your body learn to help itself if all the chemicals are doing it for you? My lack of faith in the Dr. also took a hit when he stated that rice is a complete protein, this is not true and the dietician was sitting there and stated no if you put beans with it then it would become a source of protein.Another issue we've been having is the whole weight thing, he is gaining about an ounce a day which is on par for infants but they still feel he needs to catch up,his dad is tall and skinny. My husband has a crazy high metabolizum and has a hard time gaining weight so this may be the case with our son.My oldest w/o cf(by another father) was too skinny according to the charts so we did what the doctors said and it caused him to be overweight I don't want to cause that for another one of my kids. My clinic is lacking to listen to us as parents.Sorry to be so logwinded but I am frustrated with everything and seriuosly trying to decide if switching clinics would be a good idea.


New member
Well the Dr. visit went ok. They di dthe upper GI and didn't find anything wrong. We decided to switch his formula again, this time we went to Pregestimil and we are hoping that this helps the vomiting. My question is why didn't they think of this sooner instead of putting him through all these tests? I should have thought of it too but they are the doctors, oh well just frustrated. Everything else was ok, his last throat culture was growing stuff so they need to see if this one does to know if he needs antibiotics we should find out in a few days. He hasn't been absorbing the fat like he should and has been having the oily ring in his diaper, they are hoping the formula will help that, if not then they will switch him from pancreacarb to creon. I asked the Dr. about the apple cider vinegar that so many on this site have talked about using for reflux and he said it increases acidity in the stomach and it would not be helpful, you know that's odd because so many people use it and they know it works. I'm beginning to wonder about switching clinics as our Dr. doesn't necessarily make sense. I siad something about the fact that our son is on alot of chemicals and he said the more chemicals the better,I don't think so how can your body learn to help itself if all the chemicals are doing it for you? My lack of faith in the Dr. also took a hit when he stated that rice is a complete protein, this is not true and the dietician was sitting there and stated no if you put beans with it then it would become a source of protein.Another issue we've been having is the whole weight thing, he is gaining about an ounce a day which is on par for infants but they still feel he needs to catch up,his dad is tall and skinny. My husband has a crazy high metabolizum and has a hard time gaining weight so this may be the case with our son.My oldest w/o cf(by another father) was too skinny according to the charts so we did what the doctors said and it caused him to be overweight I don't want to cause that for another one of my kids. My clinic is lacking to listen to us as parents.Sorry to be so logwinded but I am frustrated with everything and seriuosly trying to decide if switching clinics would be a good idea.