New member
Well i went to the doc. to ask him about the GSH caps and he said that he would prescribe me with mucomyst and to drink 1 tablespoon everday and it would help my stomach and lungs cause it helps the anti oxident L Gluthione travel through the body or w/e..... so Ive been taking it on and off for awhile since I had just had surgery last week and didnt want to barf! Well ive been takin it for 3 straight days like im supposed to and I feel really bad.. the peeing out of my butt doesnt bother me that much its this feeling.. like im numb and really tired, it feels like im like seriously drunk or high.. has this ever happened to anyone else? I looked it up and google and found nothing!!
Thanks Brittani 18 w/CF
Thanks Brittani 18 w/CF