Does anyone use Bethanecol? Need some advice..


New member
Hi, I was wondering if anyone takes Bethanechol for reflux. My son takes both Bethanechol and another medicine. They are both compounds since he is an infant. When it gets toward the end of the bottle, the medicine is mostly gone and he is likely just getting saline. We've gotten in the habit of refilling long before we are out, but that isn't my question. My question is that when he is at the end of the Bethanechol (and I suspect not getting it) he is in horrible pain at night. Can't sleep at all, just constant jerking pains. Whereas when he gets low on the other, the result is just more spit up. This kinda has me thinking that the Bethanchol is doing more to him than just controlling reflux. It's almost like he goes through withdrawal when he doesn't have it. Just hoping for more opinions of those who use it. It's hard with an infant because I don't really know how he feels, I can just guess, so I am hoping for those who can actually speak to let me know how it works for them. :)