Does the Neb really matter?


New member
I have a sidestream for my Pulmozyme, but I use Pari for everything else and I think they work the best. I was just wondering what everyone else used for their Pulmozyme


New member
I use an omron jet something lol for everything at the moment. I have a pari, but the tubing is too long to connect it to the compressor.

Ya they say to use pari, because that is what they were tested with. Besides the two chambers maybe holding more particles in when you exhale, if the compressor is the same power, and the nebulizer has the same particle size output, can there really be much of a difference?

It's like the p-73 oregano oil studies. They were done with that brand, but does that make it the only one that works?

Ya know?


New member
I use a regular Neb like the one that I use for my albuterol. Pari Neb for Tobi and HS. The neb I use is Hudson Updraft II (i believe). Doctors told me it was fine for pulmozyme. Never said anything about a certain neb for it.


New member
Good question Sara.  Why don't you post this for Pari to
answer on the  :"Ask Questions to Pari" thread.


New member
I myself use PARI for everything; albuterol, pulmozyme, colistin,
and HS.  As long as you use a different nebulizer for each, I
don't see a problem.


Staff member
We use pari. Orginally the RT at our clinic told us we were to use something else, but they were all out, so just use the Paris. When we asked again at our next appointment we were told it didn't matter. Though might be a good idea to ask pari. We use a mask with it.