does this sound at all like cf?



DS went a few days without a coughing attack like he usually gets all day long. Today he feels nauseated and cries that he is going to throw up. He is coughing and it sounds like he is coughing stuff up but he says he can't. This is not an uncommon occurance for him but now today he said he wanted water when he was feeling like that and I asked him why and he said so he could breathe. This has been going on all day and just earlier he said I can't breathe and was begging for water again. he said his chest hurts. He is breathing very fast. I called his doc and the nurse said if he is not turning blue then there is probably nothing to it and he is probably just nervous. I wonder why he thinks water helps him breathe? I gave him some allergy meds and he is sound asleep right now but breathing very fast and heavy.

The doc is checking for cf via a sweat test on the 23rd because of his cough attacks all the time and his loose stools that float and his sinus problems and he is so skinny. Do you think his symptoms today could be from CF and should I be more worried or is it just a cold? Every time I take him to the doc and even when I took him to the er last time, they just say oh well and send him home. He has meds for asthma but they don't make the cough go away. Thanks



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As far as his symptoms, I can't believe the dr says they can't do anything. If he is having diffucluty breathing and his chest hurts, in my opinion, he needs to see a dr. I'm glad to hear that he is getting tested for CF.....but it sounds like he needs some kind of treatment now.