Does Time Really Heal A Broken Heart


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I got a message from my ex fiance which in my heart i know i still love him more then ever..(im still with my current fiance' which i love too) The message didnt even say anything meaning full just a couple stupid words like "nice goth look, hows the gf" (im bi so it makes a lil sense) But as soon as i seen his name before i read the message my stomach jumped and my heart dropped and tears swelled up. As im writing this im holding back the urge to cry as we speak. I dont want to cry im done crying. Me and Cj had a great relationship..a admireable one that anyone would want. But our parents had ruined it for us. he was one year younger then me and i was 18. His parents pulled "break up with her or you will be homeless " he told me he cheated on me with his ex which i know is a lie because she lived in columbus and he was crying at the time. When i went to his house i gave him his engagement ring and the stuff i bought him back, he looked at the engagement ring and cried telling me to keep it because he will come back...well he never did and stupid me has the hope he might. I know in my heart we belong together but i know in my head that he dont love me anymore. I want this to end but it wont. I want to loose all feelings for him good and bad. I love him because when i was sick he took care of me like no one before. I hate him for breaking his promise. Please any suggestions will help. So does time really mend a broken heart or not..i say no. its been 3 years. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">


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Time and *revenge* heals a broken heart. Never forget the revenge part <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


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You never forget that first love, or that first person who made you feel special and was there for you, but yes time will heal the hurt. Or at the very least ease the severity.


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Just stick to will always be there for you <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


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It takes alot of time sometimes like Liz ad Emily said. I remember when I broke up with my first love, I lways "knew" he would come back and ask me to marry him (he was in the military and the distance became a problem). I dated another guy, but never got over my ex because the new relationship I was in didn't compare to what I had before. Everyday I thought today I'll hear from him (he had insinuated he would come bak for me also). About a year went by and I met a great guy. We became friends and enjoyed each others company. It was that guy that helped me get over my first love. He helped me to realize that my ex wouldn't be the only person I could care for that would treat me right and be there for me and so on. Once I truly got over my ex (stopped thinking of him and stopped wondering what I had done by breaking up with him) I started dating my friend ... and as "they" say the rest is history (we are now engaged and I am happier than I ever was). I rarely think of my ex unless I drive past the place we first met or the places we had hung out. Also on occasion he will get in touch with me. I still care for him, but I no longer have the urge or desire to be with him and I dont' get angry or upset about our encounters either.

You are not alone in taking time to get over an ex. I think most girls/females go through that (I say girls because I think it is harder for us sometimes than it is for guys). I hope it gets better, just because the pain is still there doesn't mean it will necessarily always be there. Maybe you just need a bit more time.

Hope you have a good day,


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Ender</b></i>

Just stick to will always be there for you <img src=""></end quote></div>

Don't forget that randomly killing hookers and skinning them, then wearing their skin helps to smooth things over too <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>SeanDavis</b></i>

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Ender</b></i>

Just stick to will always be there for you
</end quote></div>

Don't forget that randomly killing hookers and skinning them, then wearing their skin helps to smooth things over too
face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0
</end quote></div>

<----'s jaw hits the ground....... Picks up GTA and does just that.... hehehe

Back to the topic....

Can't say I know how you feel. I've gone through similar experiences, much MUCH smaller scale of course. Basically "Make A Wish" did it to me, but that's a bad example :-\

Hang in there <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Hey Vampy,
Listen my high school sweetheart left me after 5 years because her parents didn't like the fact I had CF so did my college sweetheart and my wife of 12 years in 2004. Right now I'm all alone but I have great family and friend support. You will never forget your first love. It's been 20 years since I've seen her but I still think about her all the time. Just move on and you will find that other special person to share your life with.


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Wow, Ricky. Sounds like some awful luck with some really sh*tty people. Yikes!!! I'll be hoping you find someone who doesn't SUCK! <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


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i can almost relate. i was in love with this guy, don't know if he loved me. well i met him in the 7th grade and developed a crush on him. well i thought it would go away as soon as some other cute guy came along, well it didn't. i became obsessed with him (I was a stalker lol!) well i found out that our parents knew each other, so we see each other all the time. our parents even own a lot on the river together now. well i still have feelings for him, dont get me wrong, i love my husband, but about 3 weeks ago, i found out this guy was getting married and i got sick to my stomach. we never actually dated, but he knew how i felt and we did stuff 2gether like we were dating, well now it's been almost 7 years, and i still have feelings for him.


In my life, I've had many relationships, and there were actually two with a large impact on my life.
I was 24 and she was about 30. We only dated for a 3 month period, but as I look back, it felt like the most intent 3 month relationship, because it took me 6 months just to get over it, and I had never gotten over it completly.
However, after seeing something from a movie as significant as "Leathal Weapon 4", it made sense that there was a love for someone that could never be replaced, but the love for someone new in your life to be looked at as a new and different kind of love. I've seen her in my dreams on occasion, and often wondered how she was doing in my dream, which had me kind of thinking when I'd wake up and realize that portion of the dream.
The second significant relationship was with the ex-wife, but not as a love, but as a mistake to learn from in the future. I suppose the biggest lesson to learn was, no matter what you did, or tried to accomplish for that person to love you, if the love is gone for some reason, it's not one to come back. The ex probably stopped loving me after the first two years, but found the convinience of putting up with me as long as I had a steady and reasonably high income for her to feed off of.
Anyway, straying from the topic, here.
I can easily understand how those feelings can creep up on ya, and could only suggest to look at your present relationship and ask how much better, or more content you are with that relationship.
I also had a relationship in which the parents intervened with our relationship, but in my case, our relationship was winding down a little, anyway. I certainly could not imagine marrying that person, if her mother wanted to control our lives, and I have no regret about that relationship ending, though it still has a special place in my heart because she was my first love!


New member
Hello Vampy

You ask Does Time Really Heal A Broken Heart ...

God I hope so, I am dealing with one now my self......

I wish You a warm heart full of Love without pain,,,,,,,


I can sort of relate to the wife of 12 years leaving part. I was married for about the same 12 years, but had to divorce her because of how Sh**ty she was treating me. My health was already going on a decline, and I felt the need to face the fact the marriage was never gonna get any better, and she wouldn't give a hoot-nanny if I ended up hospitalized. In fact, I should have bailed sooner cause she said five or so years ago that she'd divorce me if I got that sick, or decided to head back to the States.
Unfortunately, she was a sly witch!
But, luck would have it, I married a woman 100 times better! You'll get that too someday, I'm sure. But, like praying for a lotto ticket, you gotta buy one or your prayers won't be answered. (Do what you can do for yourself, and pray that it is going to be answered.)