Does your child hate the vest?


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My daughter LOVED the vest when we first got it....she sang songs and loved to talk funny when she was doing it. She told me that it was much better than her "pat pats". Well, times have changed and she now HATES the vest and cries every time I try to put it on her. I have heard from a lot of parent's that there kids went through this, but am looking for some information on how I can get it to be fun for her again....any ideas?<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


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My stepdaughter loves her vest. It adds excitement to the boring Tobi treatments. She started to get bored with it so I make "Shaky-Shaky" time a one-on-one time. I read a book, watch a movie, or do a craft with her as it distracts her from the vest and Nebulizer.


New member
Caleb is now 4 and he is the same way.. he use to love the vest and then went through the phase of crying and not wanting it.. so now we let him play with daddys xbox and i have a bunch of educational games on my computer so when the vest goes on he plays a game.. if he doesnt want the vest he doesnt get to play a game.. so its pretty much a bribery thing but hey it works..

Melissa mom to dylan 6 no cf and caleb 4wcf


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My daughter is two and goes back and forth on her desire to do the vest. Some times she loves it, sometimes she hates it. I bribe her by allowing her to watch one of her movies or one of her favorite cartoons. She only gets to sit in the front of the tv when she does the vest, so usually she gives in. I figure if she only watches tv twice per day for tweny minutes each, she watches far less than the rest of kids in the US!


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What's the vest??? I am new to all this, my son was diagnosed with CF last year (when he was weeks old), he is now 11mths & I am still learning all about the different things..


Shirley Crosbie


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The vest is a device used to clear the airways instead of the manual clapping (chest physical therapy using your hands.) The vest is just that, a vest attached with hoses to a compressor. When the compressor is turned on it inflates the vest like a blood pressure cuff. There are controls on the compressor to adjust the tightness of the vest along with the speed of the vibration that the vest has. The vibration is what loosens the secretions. Many people who use it are happy with it. I use it becaue it is easier to fit into my life. It gives independence. I do prefer the manual clapping, but thats not realistic on a daily basis. Any other ???? please feel free to ask.


New member
Thank you, I am very willing to hear any advice on things for CF as my baby is only 11mths & he has obviously a long haul ahead, do you know if the vest is a worldwide thing or just USA? I am from Scotland & haven't heard any of the nurses talk about it, could it be called a belt? At what age might he get it?

Shirley, mum of Kieran w/cf & 3 daughters no cf (as yet)


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My son was diagnose at 3 months old and we just started talking about manual clapping and the vest and he is now 15 months old. Our clinic here in Cleveland is pretty aggressive in treatments and suggest we start manual by 18 months and wearing the vest at 2 years old. It was the first I had heard about it terms of our baby and I always thought it was if he had congestion or cough that wouldn't resolve. They said studies show early use of vest helps reduce bacterial growth and keeps lungs clear even when nothing is going on. I guess we will be adding that to our lives this year. It doesn't sound too bad from what you all have mentioned, other than normal toddler reaction to things that must be (going to bed, brushing teeth, eating vegetables, wearing a vest) and our constant search for creative ways to make all these musts happen. Great ideas, BTW.

Thankfully, he has no breathing difficulties and is only taking Pepcid and enzymes right now.

Best of Luck,
Jody Ben 15 months w/ CF; Julia 5 years w/o CF


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Samantha does her vest 3Xdaily for 20 minutes. She gets to select a video to watch. During her night vest treatment she usually listens to soothing music and will often fall asleep!

She does frequently protest having to do the vest. She says she would rather do her "clappity". I will allow her to do one session a day with manual CPT. I have found, however, that since initiating the vest, her lungs have sounded SO much clearer and she has stayed much healthier.

I do tell her truthfully that in order to stay healthy and strong she must do the vest everyday. I think it's important that she learns early that these things are part of her daily routine.

Maria (mother of three daughters, the youngest, Samantha w/cf)


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Hi, I just read your post. My son went through the same thing, he's 4 now and tolerates the vest well. Like a lot of other parents, my husband and I bribe him. (movies, games, etc) We have an adult cousin with CF (he's 29) and he didn't like the vest. However, he wasn't introduced to the vest until he was 19. It seems like older CFers prefer manual CPT as this is what they grew up with. I literally can't get my 4-year-old to sit for manual CPT anymore. He cries when I try to do it. The vest seems to give him a little more freedom. Best of luck to you!!
Wendy, Mom of Kameren, w/CF, Kyle and Kaylee(noCF)


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Im 22 and hate the vest with a passion. It may have a part to do with i never had one till i was 18. But i still prefer manual and i never did it regularly either. I like manual because for me personally I can feel the difference. The vest just always makes me feel nauseous, itchy and hot. I dont really ever feel anything loosen up with the vest. In fact one time I was in the hospital they wanted me to do the vest even though I asked for manual cpt. But my doctor wanted me to do the vest so I said ok. It was just a tune up i wasnt to sick so I knew it wouldnt hurt. I had the same respriatory therapist for three days in a row. On the third day we did autogenic breathing (he taught it to me we wer just trying it out cus he learned it at a recent conference) for one session and I coughed up more after that one session than the whole other days. It was awesome. So the next session we did manual CPT and i still coughed up more. I also like manual because if i feel like a certain spot needs more work it can be given special attention.
i dont think i will ever like the vest but i will do it when the docs ask


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My son is 3 & goes back & forth. He has been sick recently & perfers manual but he says it hurts on the front upper lopes & sides. He also says the vest hurts but I think it itches, he also gets hot during vest. When we first got it about 2 yrs. ago my husband & I both were extactic cuz we didnt have to hold him down to do the manual. Now we have to hold him down for the vest. Our dr. says she prefers manual to get the target areas. which I agree anything to keep my baby out of the hosptial.


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My son is 19. He started on manual CPT at 4 weeks of age. Through the years we have tried them all...Accepella, flutter, PEP, and vest(which sits in the attic collecting dust). He loved the vest when we first received it. That lasted about a month. He still prefers the good ole manual CFT. He requests only that when in the hospital and at home. Sometimes he will use the accepella or pep but he feels that "clapping" works to clear his lungs the best.