Dr. Robert Stern, Rainbow Babies and Children


New member
I was just wondering if any CFers see Dr. Stern in Cleveland. If not, and if someone is looking for a new Dr., I highly suggest him. There CF center always ranks within the top 5 in the country, and he graduated when he was 13 from high school. He is very kind and gentle, and really knows his stuff. David has seen him since he was a baby, and his pft's are at the mid 90's. I know that doesn't totally have to do with his Dr. but I am sure it puts in a pretty big impact. He gives all of his patients his office, home, and beeper number so that they can always get a hold of him in case of a question or any emergency. David had to have his first cleanout this year, and so we stayed in the hospital for a week, and then he went home on antibiotics. While we stayed there it was amazing. There are so many things to do in that hospital. Each room has its own tv and vcr. There are hundreds of movies, and snacks. Patients can order as much food as they want. The rooms are huge, with two beds so a family member can stay if needed. You obviously don't share rooms. The nurses are just wonderful, and Dr. Stern shows up at about 6 in the morning and doesn't leave until about 10 at night. Well that's it for now. If anyone has any questions, feel free to contact me<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
Dr. Stern is, in my opinion, amazing! I have gone to him for about 10 years or so maybe even more. The man is just amazing, what else needs be said. He is the only reason that my brother (21 y/o with CF) is alive. I'm glad to hear you liked the hospital, it is amazing also, but usually first-timers don't like it so much. Glad to hear you did! Might I inquire as to when you were in the hospital? i am a regular there and am in every 3-4 months for about 3 weeks, and was wondering if I possibly met you, I tend to forget names. I was last in the beginning of November. Before that was the end of July and beginning of August.


New member
I'm so glad you started this topic!! I have trying to find an email for Dr. Stern, but haven't found one that works. I thought maybe he had retired. I started seeing him when I was 8 or so and did so until I was in my 20's. Even when I moved to VA, we traveled 7-8 hours to see him every 3 months. It got to be such a long drive that I eventually started seeing a more local doc and that was a mistake. He was talking about retiring 10 years ago and I assumed he did since I haven't been able to get ahold of him. I sure do miss Dr. Stern! He is AWESOME! He's the reason I'm still around today and I always knew when I was sick he would make me all better. Did you guys get the infamous Colistin IV? I know that at one time he was one of the only doc's to give it and it did work great for me. Well, if anyone knows an email for him let me know, I would love to catch up with him.


New member
Dear Martha,

Colistin is what almost EVERY patient gets. When in we always joke about how it screws up the memory and body and whatnot.


New member
Yes David has it somewhere around here, and I am sure I could get it for you, just give me a couple days.Yea he sure is great. I think one person travels all the way from China to see him. When David was in the hospital for about 31 days and almost died because of a bleeding ulcer, his Dr. there trained under Dr. Stern, and it wasn't at rainbow Babies and Children either. It was somewhere in Michigan. Yea, David's lungs are in the 90's and he is 21, so I consider Dr. Stern to be Gods way of saying, here is my gift to you, sorry you have Cf. It is a terrible disease, but you are all so strong it seems. Whenever David doesn't feel good I have to explain it to people and they are just blown away. But anyways, hope you are doing well.


New member
Thanks Catie! I really appreciate it. I've gotten a few emails off Rainbow and Babies Hospital website, but they were always returned undeliverable. I'm in Pittsburgh right now waiting for a lung transplant and for awhile I've wanted to talk with Dr. Stern about what's going on with me. For so many years I relied on him to make me better and he asked me to keep in touch, unfortunately that's not a strong point for me! Anyway, I'm glad your David is doing so well.


New member
Hey, update! I talked to Dr. Stern, and he said he was not 13 when he graduated from High School, he was 16. He was a med student at 20, and I forgot what happened from there.


New member
Hey, update! I talked to Dr. Stern, and he said he was not 13 when he graduated from High School, he was 16. He was a med student at 20, and I forgot what happened from there.


New member
I've too have been seeing dr. stern since I was born...he's amazing!! I had no idea so many of you see him too. I didn't really think that there were many clevelanders on this site. I agree with the starter of this topic too in that, the nurses are just wonderful and it's great that he's always around to check on us. Do you guys know Gorgeanne? I think she's one of the funniest nurses on the floor, lol.



New member
I've too have been seeing dr. stern since I was born...he's amazing!! I had no idea so many of you see him too. I didn't really think that there were many clevelanders on this site. I agree with the starter of this topic too in that, the nurses are just wonderful and it's great that he's always around to check on us. Do you guys know Gorgeanne? I think she's one of the funniest nurses on the floor, lol.
