

New member
i have a friend with cystic fibrosis and all of my friends and i drink so i wanted to know if it would be alright if he drank with us i didnt want to talk to him about it just let me know and show me some evidence that drinking is bad for people with CF if it is im not letting him. keep that in mind.


New member
I have been stupid enough to drink. Alcohol dehydrates you which is not good with CF or anything for that matter. It can also interfer with certain meds like antibiotics. In addition CFers tend to have liver problems so alcohol could possible increase that potential problem. I dont recommend it for you or your friend with CF. If I could relieve my life again....I would never have drank like I did! It causes a lot of issues that you dont reazlie until its too late! Good Luck in Making Wise Decisions!


New member
Drinking is ok in moderation. Like Melissa said, drinking dehydrates us CFer's, it cause liver problems down the road, and can interact with many of our antibiotics. That being said, it is your friends choice to drink or not. I don't see that harm in drinking, so long as you're not going out every night and getting drunk. Once a week, twice a week maybe to let off steam is fine, but for your friends health I wouldn't be out doing it every night.


New member
i have alot of friends who are underage and drink, i personally don't agree with it, even if i didnt have CF, but i don't care if they do it. i just tell them that i know how to party without drinking, and im not supposed to anyways because of my CF. i don't truthfully see how drinking could effect me that much b/c i wouldnt be getting like DRUNK everynight, but as everyone else said...once a week... w/e's.

the only thing i have to add is that some CFers take HUGE doses of motrin/tylenol/ etc. etc... you might know or not that your not supposed to drink when you take a REGULAR dose of those, so when your taking 6 times the regular dose (like i used to be) drinking can be really bad.

so as for your friend, just tell him you understand that if he doesnt feel comfortable drinking for whatever his reason is. and im sure *knowing us CFers* he can party hard even when hes sober :p

<3 Kate