Dustins Story


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Topic Title: Hay Im new
Created On Friday October 28, 2005 8:23 PM Topic View: Branch ViewThreaded (All Messages)Threaded (Single Messages)Linear


Posts: 5
Joined: Oct 2005
Friday October 28, 2005 8:23 PM

I am new to this. My son Dustin has CF. He is doing great so far. He is 12yrs old. It will be nice to have a place to come to and share our stories. He has been under the weather lately. He has got this wonderful virus that keeps him around 102 to 103.5 and he doesn't want to eat anything. We are going on our 4th day of this. He ate some chicken noodle soup tonight. I hope he keeps it down. If any one needs me to put them on my nightly prayer list please let me know. If any one knows of any HIGH calorie cookbooks please tell me where to get them. Im in desperate need of them. Im so sick of hearing low calorie WE NEED CALORIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Heather Hutchinson

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Posts: 168
Joined: May 2005
Friday October 28, 2005 9:13 PM


Welcome to the site! Glad to see a new member!

Congrats on your son's good health! Hope he gets over that fever, though. I know what that's like... Alright, don't know how helpful I'll be in this department, but does your son like chocolate? I don't know of any cookbooks, but I can say that chocolate milkshakes helped me out a lot! I used to make one every day when I came home from school as a snack. We have one of those milkshake mixers, so I used to put about three scoops of vanilla ice cream in that, along with about a cup of milk and lots of Hershey's syrup, and blend it all together. There's also something called ScandiCal, which you could look into. Basically, it's a calorie supplement that you sprinkle on food to give it a boost. It blends with anything, even beverages, and it doesn't leave any particular taste. If you wanted to, you could try the milkshake with that *in* it.

There's also the ScandiShakes, which you could try (same as above, basically a calorie drink), but I prefer to make my own. Mine taste better

Hope that helps somewhat, and again, glad to have you here with us!

~Lilith~ (19 w/CF)

Edited: Friday October 28, 2005 at 9:14 PM by Lilith

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Friday October 28, 2005 9:17 PM

I am sorry to hear your son is having difficulties right now. Having a fever plays havic on your body. If he is not interested in eating then push the liquids & even ice cream or any type of shake to keep some calories in him. Although with the fever he probably has chills that would not make ice cream very tempting.


37 year old, Stay at home Mom of 7 year old Jazmine & Wife of Robert

"Follow your dreams because even if you dont obtain it, the road enroute will be worth the try"

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Friday October 28, 2005 9:21 PM

Lilith reminded me of one of my favorite things I used to make before I was diagnosed as diabetic.
It was ice cream, milk and crushed Butterfinger candy bars all mixed together. Ummm....

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Saturday October 29, 2005 7:34 AM (NEW!)

Thanks for replying. Dustin loves fruit and anything with low calories. I guess that that is a good thing. May I ask how old you are. It always makes me really happy when I see or hear of people older with CF. When they told me they thought that he had cf I went and read a medical book wrote in the 60's or 70's and it said that the life expectancy was 12. I am so glad that has went up. If that was still true he wouldnt be here now maybe. I had him 2 days after my 17th birthday, he seemed to be a healthy baby until he was abt. 3mo. then my milk dried up so I had to put him on formula. Thats when he got sick and couldnt seem to get well. He was in the Hosp. when he was 5mo. with a lung infection. He got well it seemed for the week he was in the mist tent. When they sent him home he went down hill again. I had the cf test ran on him and it came back neg.. He was back in the hosp. when he was 6mo. at Oklahomas Childrens Hosp. We stayed there for 3weeks. They did 5 more cf test and 3 came back neg. and 2 came back pos. thats when he was diagnosed. He had his first 4th of July &his first B-day in the hosp. He was in the hosp. when he was 2 and 3 but he hasn't been in sience that. So I feel very blessed. He has been very sick but NOT in the hosp. Them places are filled with germs.lol. He already has started puberity the hairy underarms started in 4th grade and I think by now other symtoms of puberity have started if ya know what I mean. He was the only one in forth grade with hairy underarms I wonder if some of the meds. he takes is the reason for that. I hope he keeps doing good through puberity and his teen years. He is on TOBI every other 28 days, pulmozyme daily. zantac. and enzymes. It seems that this last year when he has a virus it seems to hang on longer and longer. He is very handsom and has a good personality. He makes everyone laugh thats his teachers only complaint that he is the class clown.lol I better go for now got to get to work. It sure is nice to talk to other people who have or know some one like us. thanks heather

Heather Hutchinson

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Low calories? Low calories aren't good for a CFer.... I'm a bit confused. Something my husband uses that is a body builder sport supplement is SERIOUS MASS by a company called OPTIMUM NUTRITION. It packs a little over 1250 calories with just water and the taste is pretty good. The only warning is that it is NOT good for someone who is diabetic because it does have a high sugar content in it. My husband also takes boost plus (or ensure plus) chocolate shakes with him wherever he goes. That way if the gets hungry he has a great HEALTHY snack that has a good amount of calories in it (about 350) and about 15 grams of protein.