Ear & Sinus Infections


New member
I took my 3 yr old to clinic this week and met up with an idiot respirologist. We are in a teaching hospital and rarely see the same dr. more than a few times. Anyway, he made some stupid comment and I left the room in tears. He said her x-rays were worse than previous and her continual antibiotics due to ear/sinus infections would be detrimental in the future.My husband and I would like to have tubes put in her ears for the ear infections because she gets them really bad. This idiot says it probably won't work but the ENT wants to give it a try and so do we. We also later found out that her x-rays were excellent and the radiologist quetioned whether or not they were actually that of a CF child (yahoooooo!!!!) because there were no markings.Has anyone had any experience with this, and if so how did it turn out? Does anyone know if the tubes will have any impact on the sinus infections as well? They are all connected so I am hoping that her sinuses will benefit as well. The ENT says no, but I like to get info from those who have experienced it and not just what the textbooks say.Thanks, AM


New member
AM are you at a CF clinic or just a local ped. respritory clinic? My first suggestion would be to get the hell out of dodge and find a CF clinic. It is crucial that your daughter be seen by CF specialists and that you all develop a relationship with the clinic staff. Where are you located? I've always had to travel at least an hour and a half to my clinics. A teaching hospital is not right for you at this point. Maybe some day when she is older she can help interns leran about CF, but you do not need to be taking advice from them now. I cannot stress how important it is that she see the same doc. She needs to build a trusting, supportiave relationship with her caregivers. It will make a difference in the long run.Debbie 22 yr old w/ CF


New member
AM,i think you should take your daughter to another hospital and have her checked by always the same doctor. of course, a CF specialist. being always checked and monitored by the same doctor is the best. with time the doctor gets to know every single bit of your daughter's health and the little quirks of it. they don't need to search paperwork to see things - they already know she has a history of X which can be sucessfully treated with Y [example]. ever since i'm 10 y.o. i've been seeing the same doctor and it's great. we have already worked out what works the best for me and which antibiotics we better avoid, what are my weaker times, stuff like this. seeing a new doctor every time is more nerve-wrecking, especially with a "big" disease such as CF - explaining things every time from the start, the doctor doesn't know a thing about the girl... can be very frustrating. even if you need to travel more to get to the clinic, it's worth it. i go three hours to each direction by buses to get to my CF clinic but i know that despite the hassle, i'm getting the best care. not to mention that on the personal level it's best to have one doctor who's permanent.


New member
AM,Last fall, Mylee suffered 7 ear infections in a row. It was horrible. The cf clinic is who recommended tubes and our pediatrican agreed whole-heartedly. So when Mylee was 10 months old we took the plunge and did it. It has been almost a year (two weeks) and has been WONDERFUL. Not a single ear infection since.Good luck.christiemommy to twins malachi wo cf and mylee wcf


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My daughter had her first set of ear tubes at age 2 (related to ear infections) - then another set at age 4. The tubes come out on their own after awhile - but, since she continued to get ear infections after the initial set came out we did a second set because she did not have any ear infections when the tubes were in place. Her 2nd set of tubes were in place until age 6 - they came out and she has not had anymore ear infections. However, the tubes did not do anything with regards to the recurring sinus infections. So far, this has been the worst aspect of the cystic fibrosis for my daughter. We depend on nasal irrigations with sea salt water to keep her sinuses free from germs and to reduce sinus infections.