Elevated liver Enzymes


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Does anyone have or had in the past elevated liver Enzymes. My 18 month old son's AST or SGOT was high at 51. ALT or SGPT was very high at 330. I do know that they indicate liver disease. His BUN was also elevated at 26. But that can be do to the malabsorption he has been having. We have since readjusted his enzymes. We also are reintroducing whole milk because they thought he was lactose intolerant but have now released that he was enzyme deficent. We also discovered that he had lost 1 and a half pounds from the last clinic appt!!!! At birth he was born with a complicated meconium Ileus requiring a ileustomy and stay on parental nutrition for less than 2 months. He never was jaundice or had elevated liver enzymes that I can remember. He is currently on Pancrecarb 3 caps per meal, Pepcid 1 cc twice a day &, ADEK 2 cc once a day. I do know that hepatic steotosis is common in CF. Any information or advice would greatly appreciated.Thank You, ~~Kim~~


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My nine-month old son has high liver enzymes as well. He too was born with meconium illeus. I read a study a few years back that said males with cf are five times as likely as females with cf to have liver disease. Also, those who had meconium illeus are more likely to have liver disease than those who did not have meconium illeus. My son had high bilirubin as a newborn. His liver enzymes were elevated as well. He has been taking Ursodiol which has brought his GGT numbers down to 14 from 470. I was very excited to hear these numbers, but his GI doctor said this does not mean he doesn't have liver disease. Not what I wanted to hear. His liver is still enlarged, so she said that is a better indication of liver disease. We have another family at our church with a ten-year old with cf. He had to have a liver transplant about nine months ago. He is doing okay. Having liver disease at such an early age buts a different spin on this disease at least for us. But we know that God has a perfect plan for him and he is beautiful, precious baby.Sharon, mom to Sophia, three next month and Jack, 9 months both with cf


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You say Jack had to have a liver transplant... 9 months ago.. and he's 9 months old?? Or did I confuse that? <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


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I think the 10 year old at her church is the one who had the liver transplant.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


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Oh damn I missed that part. Haha I'm very observant. Thanks! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">