Emily, how was first visit?


New member
Just was thinking about you guys and your first visit with your clinic. How did it go? How are you feeling about everything?



New member
First clinic visit is June 26th. I think I forgot to mention that. THANK YOU for thinking about us. I've been pulling together a notebook and getting myself armed with our questions. I found out that they will do a cheek swab test on Lucy so there won't be really anything invasive. My mom, an RN, will be going with us so I'll have her as a sounding board as well. She'll think of questions that Dave and I won't and she's FABULOUS at entertaining Lucy and paying attention. I don't know how she does it other than the fact that she is Nana.

I'll certainly keep you posted about how things progress. Twisted as this might sound, I'm excited about the clinic visit because I'm going to get questions answered (even if they are general answers)...and we'll finally know something about Lucy (if she is CF free, a carrier, or has CF) which will be a relief to know in any case. Knowing about Lucy's status will certainly be a load off my mind.

Abby's moving about like room is a rare commodity. I know she'll be glad to have plenty of play room after August 11. Lucy's getting excited about having a baby in the house. She's started playing Mommy with her stuffed animals and dolls....I think we are going to transition to a baby sister fairly well. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. No more tantrums as I pack. She's getting into the groove as long as I make it a game. We're holding off on packing her room until the day before we move to help keep things consistant for her.

Thanks again!!!
