
Hey ya'll I lost a friend like a year ago to this disease, she passes away October 19, 2004. It was hard for me because it such a shot time of knowing her she made such a differance in my life, i knew her for about 3 months, now that this date is coming up it is getting harder and harder for me to focus just because right now i am rembering how things with us were last year at this time, the fair and other things, how do i deal with it. She was the first person i knew personally that passed away, it is just hard. Any advice would be good and helpful.


New member
Hey my name is Meagan. I have cystic Fibrosis and when i was 9 years old my little brother ( who was 6) died. Now im 17 and his death date is oct.1.. so iknow how you feel and i just want you to kno shes in a better place and alot happier healthier and in less pain.... And now shes your guardian angel... Im sorry for your lost... But stay strong. she would want you to
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New member
Hi, my name is Cassy and my brother has CF. I'm sorry you had to go though what you did<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">Due to my brother smoking each and every day I am afraid it will be his last I tell him not to but why would he listen to his 16year old sister.Just to remind you stay strong.