Endiscopic Sinus Surgery



Hi. I am new to this web site and new to message boards. I joined as I have a son who is 10 years old with cf. He was diagnoised at age of 3 mo. The ENT wants to do sinus surgery and I am not sure he should have it. I would like some input please, please, please.

Background....he has maybe 2 or 3 sinus infections a year. I do not think this is so bad. He mouth breaths a lot, but does breath from his nose too.

He had a CT only because we got a new Doc at the CF clinic who noticed he breathed through his mouth a lot and pestered us until we got one. (We didn't see the point as he had no annoying symptoms or problems.)

The CT reports say....Opacification of the right and left maxillary antrum. Partial opacification of the ethmoid and right sphenoid sinuses. The left sphenoid sinus is well aerated. The frontal sinuses are undeveloped.

After reading much on the net about the surgery I find that one typically dosen't have the surgery unless they are bothered by symptoms and that having the surgery can put you at high risk for having to continue to have the same surgery again and again througout your life.
My queston if you please....does anyone have experience in this field...what are your views??? Mary


Hi. I am new to this web site and new to message boards. I joined as I have a son who is 10 years old with cf. He was diagnoised at age of 3 mo. The ENT wants to do sinus surgery and I am not sure he should have it. I would like some input please, please, please.

Background....he has maybe 2 or 3 sinus infections a year. I do not think this is so bad. He mouth breaths a lot, but does breath from his nose too.

He had a CT only because we got a new Doc at the CF clinic who noticed he breathed through his mouth a lot and pestered us until we got one. (We didn't see the point as he had no annoying symptoms or problems.)

The CT reports say....Opacification of the right and left maxillary antrum. Partial opacification of the ethmoid and right sphenoid sinuses. The left sphenoid sinus is well aerated. The frontal sinuses are undeveloped.

After reading much on the net about the surgery I find that one typically dosen't have the surgery unless they are bothered by symptoms and that having the surgery can put you at high risk for having to continue to have the same surgery again and again througout your life.
My queston if you please....does anyone have experience in this field...what are your views??? Mary


Hi. I am new to this web site and new to message boards. I joined as I have a son who is 10 years old with cf. He was diagnoised at age of 3 mo. The ENT wants to do sinus surgery and I am not sure he should have it. I would like some input please, please, please.

Background....he has maybe 2 or 3 sinus infections a year. I do not think this is so bad. He mouth breaths a lot, but does breath from his nose too.

He had a CT only because we got a new Doc at the CF clinic who noticed he breathed through his mouth a lot and pestered us until we got one. (We didn't see the point as he had no annoying symptoms or problems.)

The CT reports say....Opacification of the right and left maxillary antrum. Partial opacification of the ethmoid and right sphenoid sinuses. The left sphenoid sinus is well aerated. The frontal sinuses are undeveloped.

After reading much on the net about the surgery I find that one typically dosen't have the surgery unless they are bothered by symptoms and that having the surgery can put you at high risk for having to continue to have the same surgery again and again througout your life.
My queston if you please....does anyone have experience in this field...what are your views??? Mary


Hi. I am new to this web site and new to message boards. I joined as I have a son who is 10 years old with cf. He was diagnoised at age of 3 mo. The ENT wants to do sinus surgery and I am not sure he should have it. I would like some input please, please, please.

Background....he has maybe 2 or 3 sinus infections a year. I do not think this is so bad. He mouth breaths a lot, but does breath from his nose too.

He had a CT only because we got a new Doc at the CF clinic who noticed he breathed through his mouth a lot and pestered us until we got one. (We didn't see the point as he had no annoying symptoms or problems.)

The CT reports say....Opacification of the right and left maxillary antrum. Partial opacification of the ethmoid and right sphenoid sinuses. The left sphenoid sinus is well aerated. The frontal sinuses are undeveloped.

After reading much on the net about the surgery I find that one typically dosen't have the surgery unless they are bothered by symptoms and that having the surgery can put you at high risk for having to continue to have the same surgery again and again througout your life.
My queston if you please....does anyone have experience in this field...what are your views??? Mary


Hi. I am new to this web site and new to message boards. I joined as I have a son who is 10 years old with cf. He was diagnoised at age of 3 mo. The ENT wants to do sinus surgery and I am not sure he should have it. I would like some input please, please, please.
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<br />Background....he has maybe 2 or 3 sinus infections a year. I do not think this is so bad. He mouth breaths a lot, but does breath from his nose too.
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<br />He had a CT only because we got a new Doc at the CF clinic who noticed he breathed through his mouth a lot and pestered us until we got one. (We didn't see the point as he had no annoying symptoms or problems.)
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<br />The CT reports say....Opacification of the right and left maxillary antrum. Partial opacification of the ethmoid and right sphenoid sinuses. The left sphenoid sinus is well aerated. The frontal sinuses are undeveloped.
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<br /> After reading much on the net about the surgery I find that one typically dosen't have the surgery unless they are bothered by symptoms and that having the surgery can put you at high risk for having to continue to have the same surgery again and again througout your life.
<br />My queston if you please....does anyone have experience in this field...what are your views??? Mary


New member
I was having chronic sinus infections that would often lead to lung infections for several years. I did sinus rinses, flonase spray and Afrin spray on and off. Then finally was recommended for surgery. I had sinuplasty (where they blow up a balloon in the sinus cavity to clean the passage then deflate it- similar to what they do in your heart, which i can't remember what it's called) two years ago. It was the most painful thing I've ever felt in my entire life! I wanted my head to just explode afterward so that it would stop hurting. I spent 3 days taking lots of vicodin and advil, laying in a dark room with a cold compress on my head at my aunts house. she is a nurse so she was helping me recover from the out patient surgery. all the painkillers ended up inducing me into a grand mal seizure while i was talking to my mom on the phone. she thought i'd hung up on her. when i woke up an hour later and told my aunt what hand happened, she called my dr and he told her to bring me to the ER. we were sitting there waiting for the dr when i proceeded to have 2 more grand mals. Granted, this is a rare case, but if i hadn't had that awful surgery, i'd have never been taking such high doses of painkillers, which is what they suspect lead to the seizures (and forced me to have to be on anti-seizure meds for 2 years). unless your son is having a lot of sinus infections and pain and you have no other options....i would not, repeat NOT recommend sinus surgery! Just my 2 cents.



New member
I was having chronic sinus infections that would often lead to lung infections for several years. I did sinus rinses, flonase spray and Afrin spray on and off. Then finally was recommended for surgery. I had sinuplasty (where they blow up a balloon in the sinus cavity to clean the passage then deflate it- similar to what they do in your heart, which i can't remember what it's called) two years ago. It was the most painful thing I've ever felt in my entire life! I wanted my head to just explode afterward so that it would stop hurting. I spent 3 days taking lots of vicodin and advil, laying in a dark room with a cold compress on my head at my aunts house. she is a nurse so she was helping me recover from the out patient surgery. all the painkillers ended up inducing me into a grand mal seizure while i was talking to my mom on the phone. she thought i'd hung up on her. when i woke up an hour later and told my aunt what hand happened, she called my dr and he told her to bring me to the ER. we were sitting there waiting for the dr when i proceeded to have 2 more grand mals. Granted, this is a rare case, but if i hadn't had that awful surgery, i'd have never been taking such high doses of painkillers, which is what they suspect lead to the seizures (and forced me to have to be on anti-seizure meds for 2 years). unless your son is having a lot of sinus infections and pain and you have no other options....i would not, repeat NOT recommend sinus surgery! Just my 2 cents.



New member
I was having chronic sinus infections that would often lead to lung infections for several years. I did sinus rinses, flonase spray and Afrin spray on and off. Then finally was recommended for surgery. I had sinuplasty (where they blow up a balloon in the sinus cavity to clean the passage then deflate it- similar to what they do in your heart, which i can't remember what it's called) two years ago. It was the most painful thing I've ever felt in my entire life! I wanted my head to just explode afterward so that it would stop hurting. I spent 3 days taking lots of vicodin and advil, laying in a dark room with a cold compress on my head at my aunts house. she is a nurse so she was helping me recover from the out patient surgery. all the painkillers ended up inducing me into a grand mal seizure while i was talking to my mom on the phone. she thought i'd hung up on her. when i woke up an hour later and told my aunt what hand happened, she called my dr and he told her to bring me to the ER. we were sitting there waiting for the dr when i proceeded to have 2 more grand mals. Granted, this is a rare case, but if i hadn't had that awful surgery, i'd have never been taking such high doses of painkillers, which is what they suspect lead to the seizures (and forced me to have to be on anti-seizure meds for 2 years). unless your son is having a lot of sinus infections and pain and you have no other options....i would not, repeat NOT recommend sinus surgery! Just my 2 cents.



New member
I was having chronic sinus infections that would often lead to lung infections for several years. I did sinus rinses, flonase spray and Afrin spray on and off. Then finally was recommended for surgery. I had sinuplasty (where they blow up a balloon in the sinus cavity to clean the passage then deflate it- similar to what they do in your heart, which i can't remember what it's called) two years ago. It was the most painful thing I've ever felt in my entire life! I wanted my head to just explode afterward so that it would stop hurting. I spent 3 days taking lots of vicodin and advil, laying in a dark room with a cold compress on my head at my aunts house. she is a nurse so she was helping me recover from the out patient surgery. all the painkillers ended up inducing me into a grand mal seizure while i was talking to my mom on the phone. she thought i'd hung up on her. when i woke up an hour later and told my aunt what hand happened, she called my dr and he told her to bring me to the ER. we were sitting there waiting for the dr when i proceeded to have 2 more grand mals. Granted, this is a rare case, but if i hadn't had that awful surgery, i'd have never been taking such high doses of painkillers, which is what they suspect lead to the seizures (and forced me to have to be on anti-seizure meds for 2 years). unless your son is having a lot of sinus infections and pain and you have no other options....i would not, repeat NOT recommend sinus surgery! Just my 2 cents.



New member
I was having chronic sinus infections that would often lead to lung infections for several years. I did sinus rinses, flonase spray and Afrin spray on and off. Then finally was recommended for surgery. I had sinuplasty (where they blow up a balloon in the sinus cavity to clean the passage then deflate it- similar to what they do in your heart, which i can't remember what it's called) two years ago. It was the most painful thing I've ever felt in my entire life! I wanted my head to just explode afterward so that it would stop hurting. I spent 3 days taking lots of vicodin and advil, laying in a dark room with a cold compress on my head at my aunts house. she is a nurse so she was helping me recover from the out patient surgery. all the painkillers ended up inducing me into a grand mal seizure while i was talking to my mom on the phone. she thought i'd hung up on her. when i woke up an hour later and told my aunt what hand happened, she called my dr and he told her to bring me to the ER. we were sitting there waiting for the dr when i proceeded to have 2 more grand mals. Granted, this is a rare case, but if i hadn't had that awful surgery, i'd have never been taking such high doses of painkillers, which is what they suspect lead to the seizures (and forced me to have to be on anti-seizure meds for 2 years). unless your son is having a lot of sinus infections and pain and you have no other options....i would not, repeat NOT recommend sinus surgery! Just my 2 cents.
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<br />aimee


New member
I have had 3 sinus surguries. I would recommend doing whatever you can without surgery. It has made my sinuses extremely sensitive to infection. I also had a life and death sinus surgury where I had a polip as firm as a marble pushing on the bone underneath the bone of my brain. I had to have surgury or die! I of course chose surgery. If you can do something without surgery than go for it. But If you have just reached what you feel is the end of your resources and surgery is the only thing left that you feel would give your son relief? Than by all means go for it! I just suggest doing all the research you can about the symptoms your son shows and learning as much as you can before surgery becomes an option. Surgery can only provide relief if it is really needed..I hope that this helps.

Mary 27 w cf/IBS/PTSD/Neuropathy


New member
I have had 3 sinus surguries. I would recommend doing whatever you can without surgery. It has made my sinuses extremely sensitive to infection. I also had a life and death sinus surgury where I had a polip as firm as a marble pushing on the bone underneath the bone of my brain. I had to have surgury or die! I of course chose surgery. If you can do something without surgery than go for it. But If you have just reached what you feel is the end of your resources and surgery is the only thing left that you feel would give your son relief? Than by all means go for it! I just suggest doing all the research you can about the symptoms your son shows and learning as much as you can before surgery becomes an option. Surgery can only provide relief if it is really needed..I hope that this helps.

Mary 27 w cf/IBS/PTSD/Neuropathy


New member
I have had 3 sinus surguries. I would recommend doing whatever you can without surgery. It has made my sinuses extremely sensitive to infection. I also had a life and death sinus surgury where I had a polip as firm as a marble pushing on the bone underneath the bone of my brain. I had to have surgury or die! I of course chose surgery. If you can do something without surgery than go for it. But If you have just reached what you feel is the end of your resources and surgery is the only thing left that you feel would give your son relief? Than by all means go for it! I just suggest doing all the research you can about the symptoms your son shows and learning as much as you can before surgery becomes an option. Surgery can only provide relief if it is really needed..I hope that this helps.

Mary 27 w cf/IBS/PTSD/Neuropathy


New member
I have had 3 sinus surguries. I would recommend doing whatever you can without surgery. It has made my sinuses extremely sensitive to infection. I also had a life and death sinus surgury where I had a polip as firm as a marble pushing on the bone underneath the bone of my brain. I had to have surgury or die! I of course chose surgery. If you can do something without surgery than go for it. But If you have just reached what you feel is the end of your resources and surgery is the only thing left that you feel would give your son relief? Than by all means go for it! I just suggest doing all the research you can about the symptoms your son shows and learning as much as you can before surgery becomes an option. Surgery can only provide relief if it is really needed..I hope that this helps.

Mary 27 w cf/IBS/PTSD/Neuropathy


New member
I have had 3 sinus surguries. I would recommend doing whatever you can without surgery. It has made my sinuses extremely sensitive to infection. I also had a life and death sinus surgury where I had a polip as firm as a marble pushing on the bone underneath the bone of my brain. I had to have surgury or die! I of course chose surgery. If you can do something without surgery than go for it. But If you have just reached what you feel is the end of your resources and surgery is the only thing left that you feel would give your son relief? Than by all means go for it! I just suggest doing all the research you can about the symptoms your son shows and learning as much as you can before surgery becomes an option. Surgery can only provide relief if it is really needed..I hope that this helps.
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<br />Mary 27 w cf/IBS/PTSD/Neuropathy


Thank you both for your replies. I was afraid no one was going to respond. I figure there should be a lot of you out there that have had this surgery. It is where they take a tube all the way throughout your sinus cavities (like a rotor rooter) to clean them out. They go by the eyes and the brain (scary) also. From what I read on the net....they cut a piece of tissue somewhere to help open things up. That is where it says...because they cut that piece of tissue...it most likely will grow back and need surgery to cut it again in the future.

The thing is...we didn't have this CT because he was having tons of sinus infections, heavy snoring or sinus pain....a doctor just saw him breathing through his mouth a lot and insisted on it.

I want to do what is best for my son....but this is a case where it is not black and white. Getting the surgery can lead to multiple surgeries down the road as a result....getting the surgery could make him feel better...even though he does not feel bad. (sometimes when bad is all you have ever known....you don't know that a feeling better exists). And will he feel "a better"? Who knows.)

I'm thinking that we should just wait. (God it's tough being a parent.)


Thank you both for your replies. I was afraid no one was going to respond. I figure there should be a lot of you out there that have had this surgery. It is where they take a tube all the way throughout your sinus cavities (like a rotor rooter) to clean them out. They go by the eyes and the brain (scary) also. From what I read on the net....they cut a piece of tissue somewhere to help open things up. That is where it says...because they cut that piece of tissue...it most likely will grow back and need surgery to cut it again in the future.

The thing is...we didn't have this CT because he was having tons of sinus infections, heavy snoring or sinus pain....a doctor just saw him breathing through his mouth a lot and insisted on it.

I want to do what is best for my son....but this is a case where it is not black and white. Getting the surgery can lead to multiple surgeries down the road as a result....getting the surgery could make him feel better...even though he does not feel bad. (sometimes when bad is all you have ever known....you don't know that a feeling better exists). And will he feel "a better"? Who knows.)

I'm thinking that we should just wait. (God it's tough being a parent.)


Thank you both for your replies. I was afraid no one was going to respond. I figure there should be a lot of you out there that have had this surgery. It is where they take a tube all the way throughout your sinus cavities (like a rotor rooter) to clean them out. They go by the eyes and the brain (scary) also. From what I read on the net....they cut a piece of tissue somewhere to help open things up. That is where it says...because they cut that piece of tissue...it most likely will grow back and need surgery to cut it again in the future.

The thing is...we didn't have this CT because he was having tons of sinus infections, heavy snoring or sinus pain....a doctor just saw him breathing through his mouth a lot and insisted on it.

I want to do what is best for my son....but this is a case where it is not black and white. Getting the surgery can lead to multiple surgeries down the road as a result....getting the surgery could make him feel better...even though he does not feel bad. (sometimes when bad is all you have ever known....you don't know that a feeling better exists). And will he feel "a better"? Who knows.)

I'm thinking that we should just wait. (God it's tough being a parent.)


Thank you both for your replies. I was afraid no one was going to respond. I figure there should be a lot of you out there that have had this surgery. It is where they take a tube all the way throughout your sinus cavities (like a rotor rooter) to clean them out. They go by the eyes and the brain (scary) also. From what I read on the net....they cut a piece of tissue somewhere to help open things up. That is where it says...because they cut that piece of tissue...it most likely will grow back and need surgery to cut it again in the future.

The thing is...we didn't have this CT because he was having tons of sinus infections, heavy snoring or sinus pain....a doctor just saw him breathing through his mouth a lot and insisted on it.

I want to do what is best for my son....but this is a case where it is not black and white. Getting the surgery can lead to multiple surgeries down the road as a result....getting the surgery could make him feel better...even though he does not feel bad. (sometimes when bad is all you have ever known....you don't know that a feeling better exists). And will he feel "a better"? Who knows.)

I'm thinking that we should just wait. (God it's tough being a parent.)


Thank you both for your replies. I was afraid no one was going to respond. I figure there should be a lot of you out there that have had this surgery. It is where they take a tube all the way throughout your sinus cavities (like a rotor rooter) to clean them out. They go by the eyes and the brain (scary) also. From what I read on the net....they cut a piece of tissue somewhere to help open things up. That is where it says...because they cut that piece of tissue...it most likely will grow back and need surgery to cut it again in the future.
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<br />The thing is...we didn't have this CT because he was having tons of sinus infections, heavy snoring or sinus pain....a doctor just saw him breathing through his mouth a lot and insisted on it.
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<br />I want to do what is best for my son....but this is a case where it is not black and white. Getting the surgery can lead to multiple surgeries down the road as a result....getting the surgery could make him feel better...even though he does not feel bad. (sometimes when bad is all you have ever known....you don't know that a feeling better exists). And will he feel "a better"? Who knows.)
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<br />I'm thinking that we should just wait. (God it's tough being a parent.)