everyone in Michiagn


New member
did anyone else get a letter about how jennifer granholm ( state govener) is trying to get rid of Childrens special health care and medical converage for ALL CF ppl 21 and older!!! if i loose my CSHC how will i pay for my meds?


New member
I'm not in Michigan but, that sucks!!! As far as paying for your meds... are you able to work? If not you can apply for SSI. Good luck.


New member
Hi. I am in Mich and am also on CSHCS. I went to the opposition hearings last monday and also plan on going to them this Monday. I contacted a lady at the CFF that also wrote a letter to people in cystic-l forumn and she sadi thier are supposed to be approx 4-6 people going to say their statement at the hearing this Monday 18th. It's at 9am. I highly recommend you go. There was only 3 of us at the last hearing on the 11 th. We need as many people as possible to attend to let them know what a mistake this is. If you give me your email I can send you the stuff this woman sent me from CFF.


New member
I'm in for a tune up here in Detroit and my social worker told me about this whole thing today. How terrible?! I have CSHC and can't believe this..I won't be able to go to the hearing becauase I'm in here but someone please let me know how goes.
23 pwcf


New member
well i also got the letter....but i didn't get it untill after the 1st hearing date! I am also on CSHC. If they do cut the funding wont we still be on Medicaid? or no?


New member
I too got the letter. I didn't get mine neither until 2 days after the hearing on the 11th. When will they find out if the bill got passed. When are the other hearings?


New member
i am on CSHC too and i also draw SSI. I think this was only ganna cut those with "Other" insurance. I think i have Medicaid too. I dunno what ganna happen. Can they really just cut all of our health care? there is NO WAY any of us can pay for our meds! if the pull the plug on all funds we are all in big trouble!


New member
The next hearing is this Monday the 18th. 9am. Please go if you can or send letters to the reps. Here's there email addresses and or call them let them know your opposition.
1) brucecaswell@house.mi.gov phone-517-373-1794
2) rogerkahn@house.mi.gov phone- 517-373-0837
3) davidfarhat@house.mi.gov phone- 517-373-3436
4) rickshaffer@house.mi.gov phone- 517-373-0832
5) almasmith@house.mi.gov phone- 517-373-1771
6) carlmacwilliams@house.mi.gov phone- 517-373-0152

you don't want to really go to medicade. Its already a depleting insurance and is being cut every year. It may mean we may not be able to go to CF center. They are very picky from what I'v heard when I'm at clinic and someone in line has medicaid they need referrals each time. It hard enough to get refferals through my Healthplus I cant imagine going through a state funded program to get one. We'll be a number not a face. My brother on medicaid pays a copay. They don't cover alot of branded drugs. You must write letters. Let them knnow why this program is important to you. I wrote my letters and will be at the hearing. I'll let you know what happens to those tht can't go. But PLEASE try to go. I can't afford it either. Thisa is my 2ndary ins. I couldn't afford copays. Thanks Becky 35w/cf in mich.
P.S. I also went to the first hearings but they were behind so they were talking about hearing and vision cuts for grade school children. She wants to cut that as well. Go figure. The al mighty dollar.


New member
To whom it may concern,
Jennifer Granholm is a choad.
If you disagree, please respond to me at my personal help line at


New member
I too just heard about this after the first hearing. U of M sent me the info about it. They are only trying to cut the special healthcare for people over 21 that have other insurance. That would be me, I am a 23 yr. old male. I have blue cross insurance but I would still have a considerable amount of copays and probaly have to argue with them on what they will pay for. I can't see them wanting to fork over the money for pulmozyme or tobi.


New member
I live in Michigan too...
I vote Democratic, but this is one that WILL NOT get my vote!
My brother has CF, and this makes me disgusted!!!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0">


New member
I voted for her too thinking she would do great things. Not something I like to admit to. I have Healthplus ins through my job and CSHCS is my 2ndary. Becky in Mich


New member
Hi all you Michigan people, I went to the hearing today, some CF'ers finally got to speak at approx 11:20 am. The hearing is over at noon. Sometimes they don't get to you so we were really glad they made time for CF. Anyway I beleive it was a very positive hearing. They asked questions. The 3 cf'ers that spoke all told their stories and really got their point across of how much meds are, copays, food. How often people are in the hosp. I also talked to a lady who was a medical policy analist for the Democratic office. She was very understanding as well. She took my email address if she has any future questions. One of the representives Mr. Williams was extremely compassionate to one of the CF'ers that spoke of her story. They were having more meetings with the Community health dept today but thye wer closed to the public. They also said they were going to try to make time for one more hearing at a later date. It would be on there website. After this if it passes it goes to the Senate and we have to start the letter campaign and phone calls all over again. So lets keep our fingers crossed that it goes no further than the legislature. But I felt alot better when I left this meeting than after leaving last Monday and noone got to talk. It was very reassuring. But you never know. Becky 35w/CF in Mich


New member
Hey Becky! We raised $10,000 at my benefit this year. Roughly 500 people showed up and it was a blast. Next year will be bigger so check my website for details.
Rock N roll,
Emily 23 pwcf


New member
I recieved an email yesturday and they voted today or yesturday on the proposal. Its now going to the senate floor. I'll have to check the date for the senate hearings. We need to send letters and or call. It would be great if you all would email me so I can send you info as I recieve it. My email is sam001@charter.net the 001 is numbers. Some people think there letters. Anyway I have a lady that emails me things as she recieves info from the national CFF. Thanks Becky


Hello Everyone

I live in Columbus and the same thing happened here, most Cf and other disease patients (Parents) are on BCMH ( bureau for children with medical handicaps) the state funded program had lost so much funding that they dropped 5,000 families in Ohio. Well one lady started fighting this and actually changed alot. The funding started at 12 million and dropped to 6 mill and was going to drop another 1 million this year due to our govener Tafts proposed budget cuts. Well this did not stop her, her husband has CF and she fought hard. She had people meeting with State Legislators and giving their testimonies. One college person went and testified that this cut would end up killing him. Well from what i have been hearing her hard work has paid off because the program is to be restored. All I can say is DO NOT GIVE UP !!!!!!!! I am so thankful for what this lady has done for us. I think this is thttp:he website where maybe you can find more info. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/been_there_2005/

I hope that this helps!!!


New member
Thank you. I know it will be devastating for some of us here. I can't imagine. But it is great to hear someone fought and won. I'm really hoping more CF chapters get involoved this time. It was descouraging to go to these hearings last time with little or no support from the CFF. But it will all work out in the end. Thanks for the encouraging post. Becky in Mich

People in Mich on Children's Special Health Care please email me. sam001@charter.net


New member

If you would like to speak to the woman who did all of this to maybe get some advice as to how she did things and set up meetings and really got other people and parents involved i would love to give you her email address and i am sure that she will do all she can to help you

Kaitsmom<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">