Exercies schedule


New member
hey guyz
just wondering, im getting back into shape and i was wondering wat everyones exercise schedules are like or just wat u do for exercise? This would be great help! thnx!


New member
Now that I think about it I have a pretty crazy exercise regime lol...

4 hours a week of ballet.
8.5 hours a week of Stage Challenge rehearsals (more dancing).
2 hours a week of netball (one practice, one game)
5km walk everyday

This schedule changes a bit throughout the year due to seasonal sports etc...but I'm always very active!

Good luck with your exercise motivation!
Phoebe xx.


New member
WOW! thats alot of excercise!!you must be really healthy. yeah im really trying to get my activity up again and iknow how important it is to be active with CF, but it's hard to start up again after being really sick for the past 2 years. But im hiped and ur excercise schedule gives me a motive! thanks for posting MissAudrey!


New member
Haha that's great...I definitely know how hard it is to get fit again when you've been sick. If I miss a week of ballet it takes a whole other week to get my strength back again and it wastes alot of time, but you just deal with it and move on.

But seriously I'm so happy for you that you've decided to start exercising again! I know it sounds cliched but I couldn't live without dancing, it's such a good workout both physically and mentally.

Do you have any sports or anything in mind?

Lots of love,
Phoebe xx.


New member
ummm im really into biking right now and i do have a tredmile in my basement (where no one ever goes). im also going to start yoga soon (recommended by my doctors because i get really stressed), but i know yoga isnt considered physicl activity. i really realize now that i took my active life as a given when i was young (1-13). but if u have ANY recommendations for me on wat stuff to do...pleaz do because i need some lol!


New member
Ooh I totally reccommend yoga...so much fun, and hellooo it is so a physical workout! And if you enjoy that kind of class setting you can always upgrade to something more strenuous after a while, e.g tae bo (we did two sessions with an instructor in P.E. last year at school...it was awesome!)

If you really enjoy biking and working on the treadmill then that's also a really good start for you. I'm not really into the gym workouts (unless I'm in the hospital and that's my only option), but do whatever works for you.

Haha I'm pleased that I can help you with this, makes me feel important lol!

Take care,
Phoebe xx.


New member
1: Wake up, jump on my computer for a few hours
2: Get on insulin and go ride bike for a while, and eat, then go ride bike, then eat, then get back on computer.

Usually about 3-5 hours of biking average.