Exercise Report


New member
I just want to check in with everyone that had been exercising. I
haven't seen much in peoples blogs about how the exercise is going.
I thought I would start the chat up again.  Who is doing what
for exercise and how long have you been doing it.<br>
I have been going to the gym 5 times a week. I and doing 20-25 mins
on the tread at 4.2,  then 20 mins of weight lifting.
Yesterday I jogged at 4.4 for 7 mins.  I had to stop because I
was sweating my butt of.<br>
I am looking forward to hearing what everyone else is doing!


New member
I play sports, thas my exercise. But i havent been doing alot of it lately. I golf once a week and play baseball on sundays. But the humidity in this city is about to land me back in the hospital very soon. I was already in emerg last night for sats, and SOB, but my exercise is very limited right now because of this disgusting heat/humidity.


New member
I walk on my treadmill for about 25 minutes or so, and lift some weights here and there. I also work as a housekeeper so that keeps me active as well.


New member
That is so great!!! I have not been hitting it as hard lately....seem to be slacking off. I was going to take today off, but you inspired me....thank you, thank you.

Yesterday- I walked 1/4 mile at 3.7 and then ran 1/4 mile at 6.3.....I did that for 1.5 miles. i then road the bike for 5 minutes.... Then I did weights for 15 minutes.......and of course, today, I am dead...I got nothin!!!

But, since you inspired me, I think I'll go see what I can do.



New member
I go to the gym everyday, or at the very least every second day. I do the treadmill at a speed of 3.5 for 10 minutes, then work up to 3.8 - 3.9 for 20 minutes. My total distance on the treadmill is about 2k. I also cycle for 15 minutes as well, and do a half hour of stretching. Next week I'm starting a yoga/pilates class every monday. My goal for the next time I'm at the gym which may be today, is that I want to hit a speed of 4 or 4.1. We'll see though - I'm slowly working my way up.


New member
Great to hear what ya'll are doing! Its very motivating and exciting!

I haven't been going to the gym as much lately... about 3X per week.

I run about 20 minutes on a treadmill at 5.5 and walk at 3.5 for 10 minutes. Then, lately, I've just been stretching and going home. Usually, I was lifting for various muscles after each run for about 40 minutes. I'd like to get back to my lifting, but just haven't been feeling that well and didn't want to overdo it.

Great job everyone!


New member
4 miles/7days a week. I usually do 2 in the a.m. and two in the p.m. I'm usually at work from 6:30a.m. to about 7 p.m. Right now I am on vacation so I did it all this morning. I speed walk/jog around my neighborhood. I walk a path that is 2 miles away, and then I have to walk the 2 to get back home! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0"> I am about to buy a 'boflex' type machine. I have pretty good muscle definition (for a girl), but I want to get even more. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Six pack here I come! (Well, at least I want to try to get half way there <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">


New member
We walk our little dog at night for an hour, and we live on a hill so we go up hill for about 40mins. and then downhill to get home. I also do exercise with the ball (Core Secrets) and will hopefully get back to the gym this week!


New member
Hi everyone,
At the apartment complex i live at we have a fitness center. I was going a couple of times a week , last week i went 4 times and this week i hope to go 4 times too. ( i'm leaving for a few days on saturday) I've been doing the treadmill for 30-35 minutes at about 3.0-3.3 (going to workon getting that up) then 5 minutes cool down. I've been using my hadnd weight at the apartment.

Caren 34 w/CF


New member
i have been going to the gym 4 or 5 days a week on average the last few weeks. last week i upped my time to 45 minutes (from 35) on either the bike or the EFX machine. i do yoga once a week and am trying to get into a routine of doing it twice a week.

other than that it has been too hot to get outside with the dogs or with the baby that i watch.

laura, 27