exessive heart rate


New member
Has anyone had episodes where their heart rate is very high? My son,27 wcf who has now been in the hospital for two weeks, had a couple of these episodes yesterday and of course this is worrying me to no end. They seem to start out of the blue and go away after about an hour. This has happened a couple of times over the past year and no reason could be found for them. Last night, immediately after having to take a drink of go lightly his heart rate shot up to 231. This had the Dr. on call quite baffled and suggested that a cardiologist see him today. I'm hoping that someone on this list can perhaps shed some light for me with their experiences.

My heart rate is usually always higher than it should be; I had an echo done and it didn't show anything out of the ordinary, we don't know why it's like that. Sometimes it'll drop and other times it'll go up for no ryhme or reason. However my heart rate has never been that fast, I hope you are able to find out what's going on.


did they tell you what rhythm it was....atrial fibrillation maybe? depending on the etilogy depends on the treatment and severity.



New member
that pretty much sounds like the same problem i was having, only it didnt happen once, it happened a few times actually. i mentioned this to my doctor previously and he said it could have been artial fibrilliation.