my family knew not to smoke around me since the day I was born. My father stopped smoking (17yrs w/ 2 pks a day) cold-turkey the day i was born. So he and my mom made sure everyone knew not to smoke in our house or around me, from family to health care workers. When I would have sleepovers with my cousins, if their parents smoked, when I was there they would step outside of their own house. I felt bad about having to make someone go out of their own home, but I knew why and glad they would do that. Some people I work with smoke and I asked them not to smoke around me or in the building the days I go to work because even if I'm not there early, when i did come it the smoke was in the air and after a few months I could tell a change in my breathing. They agreed without a problem, the fact they are nurses and understand my disease probably helps. My breathing got better a few weeks later. And like Debbie I cough if someone who smells of smoke sits near me. Basically, you might think it will be devistating, but if you explain it...telling them they are endangering your child's life, they should do it. Nothing is more important than your child's health. Not even family's feelings.