Faoi Mse (about me!)


New member
Hey there fellow c.f.er's, i'm new here just discovered the site about a week ago and i signed up straight away cos i was so intrigued by it. It's so great to read bout others going through the same things i am, i don't know many people my age with cf and the ones i do know keep really well so i never see 'em! So all you guys have helped me without even realising, so thanks! Here's a little bout me, i'm 16 (17 in a month, i can't wait i love my birthday!!!) i live in ireland, i'm pretty well at the moment cept i just found out i have cf related diabetes which was kinda scary at first, but then i read bout some1 on this site having it too so i felt better, i also have an enlarged liver and spleen but they're ok at the moment compared to before, i have an implantofix (which i think is the same as a portacath not positive) and that has made my life so much easier 'cos it means when i get infections the doctor just puts the port in and then i can have all my antibiotics at home and for all you teens who hate your feeding tube i can give you hope on getting rid, i had a feeding tube (mickey button) for 5yrs cos i couldn't put on weight. i stopped taking my feeds cos i hated feeling sick going to school. then the next check-up i had i put on weight myself, so i asked if i still needed it and the docs said if i kept it up for 3mths i could get rid of it. i hated it so much i was determined and in 3mths (last february) i was beaming, button free!! so to all you peeps who hate your tube there is hope it's hard to keep eating all the time but not half as bad as that tube, keep it in mind! So that's my story in a nutshell and i'm stickin to it!


New member
Hi! My name is Katie Feeley. I'm 14 and I live in Massachusetts, USA. Here's my story:
I always used to cough a lot, and when I was 9, I got a hernia. So my parents investigated and, after an idiot doctor (he was such a jerk!) and a sweat test, I was diagnosed with CF. Ever since, I've had to take lots of pills and have CPT and can't do certain stuff. But, actually, I've only had to stay in the hospital three times for cleanouts. Sorry about the feeding-tube. That must've stunk. Have you ever tried ScandiShakes? They also help you gain weight.
What part of Ireland do you live in? (my ancestors are from Ireland!)


New member
Hey guys, i totally forgot i posted my message til i saw it again so sorry bout that! 'Faoi Mise' does mean about myself in irish but i forgot the 'i' so it came up 'Faoi Mse', i'm not very gifted when it comes to typing but i'm learning! I live in southern Ireland away from the chaos (thank god) of Northern Ireland, yeah i did try those scandi shakes and i hated them! <img src="i/expressions/sun.gif" border="0">