Feeding Tubes

Jacen M

New member
Hi everyone, this is my first time posting on this forum so I suppose I'll introduce myself a little bit first. I'm a 17 year old male, and I have been dealing with CF since I was about 6 months old. I was also diagnosed with CF related diabetes at the age of 15. I have a G-Tube that I frequently use for over night feedings for nutritional supplement.

My question is a bit of an odd one, and I'm not sure if I'm posting in the right section about it, but here goes.

I have a boyfriend that I only know through the internet, so naturally it's a sort of long distance relationship. We've known each other for quite some time now, and we've long been ready to meet up in person. We're hoping that some time this year we'll be able to actually go through with this and spend some time together at my house.

So getting to my question, as most of you have probably assumed I have to use my G-Tube nearly every night to help with keeping my weight up. When my boyfriend comes to visit, we plan to sleep in the same bed together and I'm worried about how I will go about doing my tube feeds. We're thinking that maybe I can do them every other night, but that still isn't exactly enough, it would be about 3-4 days out of a week when I should be doing 7 nights a week. The reason I'm worried is because I don't want to be in the same bed together and have him accidentally unplug the cord or knock it out. Another reason is the feedings will typically make me gassy, nauseous, bloated, and a little pukey. I don't want to be waking up with me feeling like I need to puke, it'd be embarrassing.

He's all very understanding about this, but I'm just a little unsure about what to do. On one hand, I need my nutrition, on the other I want us to be able to sleep together.

So, this question is mostly aimed at anyone in a relationship and/or married that has to use a feeding tube over night. How do you work this out with your significant other? I'd like to hear your advice.


Super Moderator
Hi Jacen,

Welcome to the CF community :) I'll try to answer your question the best I can. I also have a G-tube that I use every night. First of all, what do you mean by "accidentally unplug the cord or knock it out"? My feeding pump is on my side of the bed so my boyfriend is nowhere near it. I can understand the embarrassment. Once you're more comfortable with each other it will be less embarrassing as time goes on. I'm sometimes gassy and nauseous in the morning but my boyfriend doesn't really mind it, as long as I'm OKAY,everything is fine. (he's usually sleeping lol). He leaves for work at 7am 5 days week though. I don't see how that would be a problem for you. If he really loves you for who you are then the feeding tube stuff won't matter to him. The only issue I had in the beginning of sleeping in the same room/bed was that the feeding pump is a bit noisy. My boyfriend easily got used to the machine running and beeping. Have you explained to him exactly how the feeding tube/pump works, how long it runs for, etc..? My boyfriend was more comfortable with it once I explained it more thoroughly.

I hope everything works out for you.

All the best,