Feeling sad


New member
Lately, i don't know if it's because it's cold/flu season but I'm just feeling sad in general or maybe defeated with things lately. Funny thing is my daughter is really doing well right now. She's gaining weight and growing and doing dance classes and playgroups all the normal 3 year old stuff. I do not complain about all the treatments she need every day (as you are all aware CF'ers need) the 4 nebs a day 3 vest treatments among slew of other pills and meds of course this is when she is healthy. I feel it's my own fault for my sadness, I worry alot. Like what if she gets sick again and needs to be in the hospital. Who will watch my 7 year old without CF? Does my child without CF feel like he gets less attention? My husband doesn't worry like I do. Which is probobly good, My kids don't need 2 worrywarts for parents. I feel like people or neighbors don't get the day to day CF stuff and how proud I am at my daughter for doing these things everyday without complaint. To get to her dance class on time I have to wake her up at least 2 hours before so we can get all her treatments done so she can go play like all the rest of the kids. Maybe I'm just worn out. I feel it's just not fair. My kids are great kids. They Nor does anyone else deserve the crap they've had to endure because Cf. and yes I say both kids cause When Maggie's sick the whole family has to pull together to make her well. I've had people tell me I make all this stuff look easy(all the CF stuff) I know people think because I'm a nurse that perhaps I need less help or I can handle it all. Only one doc told me I know too much meaning in some ways this makes it hard because I worry about stuff I don't to.

Hopefully this makes sense and I don't offend anyone.

Just having a bad moment and I just needed to vent.

Rebecca(mom to sammy 7 no CF and Maggie 3 with CF)


New member
You are not alone! This can all be very hard sometimes. We worry enough about our children, but then something like CF adds a whole new level of worry. Sorry I can't make it go away, but I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone.


New member
Trust me when I tell you that this will past. It is part of life when dealing with a chronic illness. Its not uncommon or even unnatural for you to worry about all the things that pop into your head. Just try to remember that she is doing well at the moment & that all that work is paying off.....Its hard & maybe just venting is what you need to do. Ears are open here!


New member
thanks for venting it helps all of us CFer parents realize that their are others out there. i just recently started to exercise and it is helping me alot. i have 3 girls youngest w/ CF-7.


New member
Thanks for all your replies. One thing I do is try to exersize a couple times a week. It truly does help with stress and is my own time.



New member

Remember that each and everyday all the love that you give her toward her treatments and her general care with CF, will instill the same responsibility that she will need toward her health. I would not worry at all because she has a Super Mom who knows best. SHe is going to become or she is already a Super responsible Child with CF.

Worrying will stress you and run you down and then you can easily pick up a bug and accidentally give this to your child. So every time you worry stop and give yourself a hug for being a Super Mom who really cares. Exercise your mind and body each day with positive thoughts and weights & aerobics. That will also be a great building block to teach your Daughter another responsibility.

double lung tx 96 and 05
46 yrs.