Here's some equations to figure out your expected values. My doctor uses both the Morris source and the Knudson source. The FEV1 is obtained by dividing the actual number by the expected number and then multiply by 100. The site that I pulled these calculations from is at the bottom.
Tammy 43wcf
Morris Source
Morris JF, Koski A, and Johnson LC. Spirometric Standards for Healthy
Non-Smoking Adults. Am. Rev. of Respir. Dis. 1971; 103:57-67.
FVC = 0.1481*Height(inches) - 0.0250*Age(years) - 4.2410 [Men]
FVC = 0.1151*Height(inches) - 0.0240*Age(years) - 2.8520 [Women]
FEV1 = 0.0919*Height(inches) - 0.0320*Age(years) - 1.2600 [Men]
FEV1 = 0.0889*Height(inches) - 0.0250*Age(years) - 1.9310 [Women]
FEV1% = Predicted FEV1 / Predicted FVC
Knudson Source
Knudson, RJ, et. al. The Maximal Expiratory Flow-Volume Curve Normal Standards, Variability,
and Effects of Age. Am. Rev. Respir. Dis. 113:589-590, 1976.
FVC = 0.1270*Height(inches) + 0.0780*Age(years) - 5.508 [Young Men, Age To 24]
FVC = 0.1651*Height(inches) - 0.0290*Age(years) - 5.459 [Men, Age Greater Than 24]
FVC = 0.0838*Height(inches) + 0.0920*Age(years) - 3.469 [Young Women, Age To 19]
FVC = 0.0940*Height(inches) - 0.0220*Age(years) - 1.774 [Young Women, Age Greater Than 19]
FEV1 = 0.1168*Height(inches) + 0.0450*Age(years) - 4.808 [Young Men, Age To 24]
FEV1 = 0.1321*Height(inches) - 0.0270*Age(years) - 4.203 [Men, Age Greater Than 24]
FEV1 = 0.0686*Height(inches) + 0.0850*Age(years) - 2.703 [Young Women, Age To 19]
FEV1 = 0.0686*Height(inches) - 0.0210*Age(years) - 0.794 [Young Women, Age Greater Than 19]
FEV1% = Predicted FEV1 / Predicted FVC