
New member
Like Julie suggested, acupuncture is a great option. I have been going for acupuncture once a week for the past two months. This month (period just arrived) we are going to try to work specifically with my cervical mucus thickness issues. Prior to this we were working on my overall health which was my choice. Had I wanted to just deal with the mucus issues the acupuncturist would have been open to that. Since I have been going for acupuncture I have noticed a real increase in my energy levels, always a good thing. If you are interested I can report back on the cervical mucus issues once we start treatment.


New member

I still am thinking of taking a few months to put my thoughts together and then push forward with something... Jake just got a HUGE job promotion on Monday, and his parents will be visiting in a few months from Uruguay. After that, I intend to push forward... In the meantime, I do intend to increase my intake of water since I surely don't drink enough and increase my dose of Mucinex. If it works, great, but I won't count on it. I'm going to just try and relax about everything and wait out a few months... I guess it's a plan of some sort. I don't want to start much now until things are more predictable. With his new job, his hours will be changing, days off, and everything. He was promoted from car salesperson to finance and insurance manager. He's really excited but knows that it comes with more stress. I was thinking of setting him up for massages once a week to help with that...

Plus, his parents will be visiting on a visitor visa so they will be here for 1-2 months. That's why I don't want to start anything now. They won't be here for a 1-2 weeks...

There are other things like increased Vitamin A or the herb, VITEX, that may be worth a try until things settle down.

For now, I'm just going to calm down about it. Wait a few months. Then, reevalute the whole situation and decide adoption vs. fertility specialist options. I think that's a plan, right?

Well, thank you again so much for your words of encouragement!!! <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member

I still am thinking of taking a few months to put my thoughts together and then push forward with something... Jake just got a HUGE job promotion on Monday, and his parents will be visiting in a few months from Uruguay. After that, I intend to push forward... In the meantime, I do intend to increase my intake of water since I surely don't drink enough and increase my dose of Mucinex. If it works, great, but I won't count on it. I'm going to just try and relax about everything and wait out a few months... I guess it's a plan of some sort. I don't want to start much now until things are more predictable. With his new job, his hours will be changing, days off, and everything. He was promoted from car salesperson to finance and insurance manager. He's really excited but knows that it comes with more stress. I was thinking of setting him up for massages once a week to help with that...

Plus, his parents will be visiting on a visitor visa so they will be here for 1-2 months. That's why I don't want to start anything now. They won't be here for a 1-2 weeks...

There are other things like increased Vitamin A or the herb, VITEX, that may be worth a try until things settle down.

For now, I'm just going to calm down about it. Wait a few months. Then, reevalute the whole situation and decide adoption vs. fertility specialist options. I think that's a plan, right?

Well, thank you again so much for your words of encouragement!!! <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member

I still am thinking of taking a few months to put my thoughts together and then push forward with something... Jake just got a HUGE job promotion on Monday, and his parents will be visiting in a few months from Uruguay. After that, I intend to push forward... In the meantime, I do intend to increase my intake of water since I surely don't drink enough and increase my dose of Mucinex. If it works, great, but I won't count on it. I'm going to just try and relax about everything and wait out a few months... I guess it's a plan of some sort. I don't want to start much now until things are more predictable. With his new job, his hours will be changing, days off, and everything. He was promoted from car salesperson to finance and insurance manager. He's really excited but knows that it comes with more stress. I was thinking of setting him up for massages once a week to help with that...

Plus, his parents will be visiting on a visitor visa so they will be here for 1-2 months. That's why I don't want to start anything now. They won't be here for a 1-2 weeks...

There are other things like increased Vitamin A or the herb, VITEX, that may be worth a try until things settle down.

For now, I'm just going to calm down about it. Wait a few months. Then, reevalute the whole situation and decide adoption vs. fertility specialist options. I think that's a plan, right?

Well, thank you again so much for your words of encouragement!!! <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">