financial help from government or national Health


New member
Hi I'm
Jaki i was bourne with CF and i would like to know what are the benefits that cf patient are intitle to receive
what are the cost of medication or the financial help from the government or national Health
do you receive financial help with physiotherapy ?


Active member
We are all "intitle" to government benefits. Most CF Patients get large financial grants. Just call your Congressman.


New member
physiotherapy COST ?

what is the financial physiotherapy help per month ?
is it fixt or per tritment from the goverment


Super Moderator
Hi Jaki,
Where are you located? government assistance can vary from state to state or country to country. What CF clinic do you go to? There should be a social worker there that can help you with this type of information and be able to give you specifics for your state/country.