finding out if baby is carryier of cf gene


New member
just wondering what other people think about finding out if your child is a carrier of one off the cf genes.when you have a child with cf
Do u think its the childs decision or do u think the parent has some right to know


New member
I certainly believe it is the parents right to know. Especially since you need to inform them if they are a carrier or not so when they get older and get married, they make sure to get their spouse tested. If they find they are both carriers, there are other methods of pregnancy they can pursue to ensure their child will not have CF. I don't think you should leave a child in the dark, even about being "just a carrier". It will play an important part in their lives. Just my thoughts though,

Julie (wife to Mark 24 w/CF)


New member
We just found out last week that our 3 month old is just a carrier. It was a peace of mind for me and my wife. Because just nine weeks prior we found out our little girls had CF. So we need the good news, but also so we could prepare ourselves for if he was CF. So we could start treatments as soon as possible.

Chuck father to Avery 20-months w/cf, and Rhett 3-months carrier


New member
Thank yous for gettin back.
I found out my daughter had cf about a year ago she was 3 at the time.
when we found out i was 10 weeks pregnant the doctor was quite insensative askin me if i wanted a termanation because of the chances of my baby havin cf at that point it wasnt an optoin for me.
he later asked use if we wanted to know if she was a carrier or just if she had cf.
He started rantin that the parents shouldnt realy find out cause its the childs right to find out if they are when they are older.......that it was controllin familys that found out..
he made it totally oveas what he thought.
Well me and my partner thought defrent and anytime he ask us if we were goin to find out there were looks and coments...i was not happy at all.
It was horrible i thought it was the right thing to do incase of questions......i dont want it to be open about us and for my other child not to have a clue about herself.i wanted to be able to prepare her when she is older.
All my family were for wasnt the doctors decision.
ok thanks for listenin to that it realy did bother me and thanxs for gettin back


New member
I think it's irresponsible not to find out. There's certainly no rush but knowledge is power and knowing whether or not you (or in this case your child) are a carrier can affect the choices you make when it comes to having children. My sister in-law (husband's sister) was tested and so was her husband before they decided to have kids. The outcome didn't change their decision, it just made them better prepared for possible outcomes and they were able to make arrangements to have their children tested for CF at birth.


New member
When I got tested at age 5 (when they discovered which gene was responsible), my whole immediate family was tested. My parents were to see which genes they had, and my sister was to see if she had any genes at all. She was only 1 or 2 at the time. I say go for it.


New member
yeah thanxs thats what i thought and i just wanted to know i wasnt the only one who did.
we did fined out when my daughter was born and it turns out she isnt a carrier was a great weight lifted of our shoulders
take care all