Finger clubbing in children??


New member
Just wondering if most or only some cf children have finger clubbing? Also, wondering how severe it is? Would anyone mind sharing some pictures of their children's clubbed fingers? My 15 yr ds has mild finger clubbing. My 7 yr ds also looks like he has mild finger clubbing to <b>me</b>, but his dr says it's not. His fingers just look so similiar to his brothers and different from mine, dh's and our dd's. Also, is there any correlation to finger clubbing and severity of cf?? Any info would be appreciated. Thanks!!


Super Moderator
I've wondered the some of the same things. Also, does clubbing become more severe as you get older? My daughter's finger tips are not clubbed yet, but it is seen in her nails. It is hard to explain, you have to compare her nails to normal nails, then you can see a difference.


New member
My daughter has finger clubbing and toe clubbing........her dr said it is because of the severity of lung involvement. Her fingers and toes look fine to me but they are different than anyone else's....I dont know if you could tell very much from pictures, but I would be happy to share some with you... would you mind swapping some? I would like to compare hers to other cfers.


My boys both have clubbing in their fingers and are also barrel chested.


New member
I do have clubbing of my fingers and toes. Mostly my tumbs and pointingfingers (same with my toes, my big toe and the one next to it are more clubbed then the rest). They look like drumsticks and the nails are like watchglasses. Like Debbie said it's caused by the lunginvolvement. So Teri, yes it could get worse when your daughter gets older, as the lunginvolvement gets bigger. I know it does get better when the lungs are ok again, like after transplant. A little 8 year old girl i know had her tx 3 months ago and her fingers were clubbed less after one month already.


New member
Try this link to see some finger clubbing:
<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
</a>I have heard that it correlates with lung involvement, but am not sure I agree.


New member
The clubbing is caused by the fingers and toes not getting enough oxygen. My clubbing is mostly thumbs and toes. I'll take some pictures this weekend and post them for you. I've seen people's who were very slight, and some who's fingers were as round as olives. The more clubbed usually means the worse lung condition/blockage of oxygen in the blood.



New member
If you click on the first link I listed, you will have to search for clubbed fingers, then view pictures.
Here is also a link I hope will work:
<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
</a>Please keep in mind that these are severly clubbed fingers. I would be curious to know if anyone on this site has fingers that look like these??? Mine don't.


New member
My fingers are definitely affected, but not terribly. My nails suck. I get acrylic nails put on & have for years. It helps with not dealing with the poor nails that I had & it helps to hide any clubbing that is happening. My cousin who does not have CF or any "true" lung issues, but is a severed diabetic looks like she has severe clubbing on all her fingers. It always amazed me. So is it just from poor lung function or can the pancrease add to it since she has diabetes?


New member
Reeces fingers & toes are clubbed. I will take some pics of them as soon as i can....although I dont have a may take a week or so?<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> The docs & even the students always come in & look at his clubbing..I feel like hes a "freak show" sometimes & I have even cried about it a few times(w/ them coming & looking @ him) He also has a barrel chest. He is 3 yrs old & has severe damage to his lower L lobe & mild damage to his upper lobes. Leah ~mommy to Reece w/ cf<img src="i/expressions/angel_ani.gif" border="0">