First hand experience/teens with CF.


New member
I posted this in the family section too, but thought why not go to the source? My name is Jocelynne and I have a little girl named Olivia who is 3 and a half. She is doing very well. No lung issues yet, but she did have a rough start. She was born with Muconium Ilias and had to have a small bowel resection when she was 2 days old. Naturally, I think about what life is going to be like for her growing up. I'm a teacher so I see the challenges of daily school life. Already, she can say Enzymes and helps me count her lunch time dose into her lunch box. I try to look into the future. Predict what I will be like, and as I am not THAT old, I remember how much fun school was for me, and how great it was to have a little freedom from mom and dad. I would like to think that I would give her lots of space, and not bug her when it comes to treatments, but I can also see myself chasing after her with a nebulizer and enzymes in hand:0) Hey Teens, any advice for me? What works for you? what doesn't? What unique things do you face that I may not remember anymore? Is it really hard to take Enzymes at school? So many schools have zero tolerance drug policies which means none in the lunch box, you have to go get them from the nurse. I was a song girl (I think they call it "dance team" today) in school and I remember lots of away from home competitions where I didn't have my parents watching me. Anyone with experience going on overnight school trips? I know I have a lot of years to prepare, bu tit's never too early to think. Thanks for your time.<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">