First Neb Treatment


New member
After culturing pseudomonas, we did Max's first nebulized treatment last night. It was so awful. He sits so beautifully for his vest, but he wanted nothing to do with the nebs. He cried so hard until he just gave up, exhausted (initially my husband had to hold his hands because he kept pulling the mask free). I feel like I am on that emotional roller coaster again & am on pins and needles until the next treatment.

On top of that, I feel paralyzed about the whole sterilizing issue. There seems to be such differing opinions. Here's what I've come up with, please chime in if I'm off base: wash nebulizer components & "bubbles" mask in hot/soapy water. rinse all w/ hot water. boil the nebulizer components for 5 minutes, then pull pan off burner & throw in "bubbles" for a few minutes - didn't want to melt it. place all items on paper towel to dry (I plan to buy a germ guardian to replace the paper towel step).

The respiratory therapist had said to prepare several bottles of sterile water (boil for 5 minutes, rinse clean container w/ the sterile water & then pour the sterile water into the container). She said that this water can then be stored in my cabinets). To clean the nebs/mask she said to wash all w/ hot, soapy water, rinse with hot water, rinse with my prepared sterile water, and then place on paper towel to dry. This sounded a little scary to me, but she said that is the information that they were given at last years conference.

Sorry to be so long winded, I just feel so overwhelmed at the moment and hoping for encouragement/advice.


New member
After culturing pseudomonas, we did Max's first nebulized treatment last night. It was so awful. He sits so beautifully for his vest, but he wanted nothing to do with the nebs. He cried so hard until he just gave up, exhausted (initially my husband had to hold his hands because he kept pulling the mask free). I feel like I am on that emotional roller coaster again & am on pins and needles until the next treatment.

On top of that, I feel paralyzed about the whole sterilizing issue. There seems to be such differing opinions. Here's what I've come up with, please chime in if I'm off base: wash nebulizer components & "bubbles" mask in hot/soapy water. rinse all w/ hot water. boil the nebulizer components for 5 minutes, then pull pan off burner & throw in "bubbles" for a few minutes - didn't want to melt it. place all items on paper towel to dry (I plan to buy a germ guardian to replace the paper towel step).

The respiratory therapist had said to prepare several bottles of sterile water (boil for 5 minutes, rinse clean container w/ the sterile water & then pour the sterile water into the container). She said that this water can then be stored in my cabinets). To clean the nebs/mask she said to wash all w/ hot, soapy water, rinse with hot water, rinse with my prepared sterile water, and then place on paper towel to dry. This sounded a little scary to me, but she said that is the information that they were given at last years conference.

Sorry to be so long winded, I just feel so overwhelmed at the moment and hoping for encouragement/advice.


New member
After culturing pseudomonas, we did Max's first nebulized treatment last night. It was so awful. He sits so beautifully for his vest, but he wanted nothing to do with the nebs. He cried so hard until he just gave up, exhausted (initially my husband had to hold his hands because he kept pulling the mask free). I feel like I am on that emotional roller coaster again & am on pins and needles until the next treatment.

On top of that, I feel paralyzed about the whole sterilizing issue. There seems to be such differing opinions. Here's what I've come up with, please chime in if I'm off base: wash nebulizer components & "bubbles" mask in hot/soapy water. rinse all w/ hot water. boil the nebulizer components for 5 minutes, then pull pan off burner & throw in "bubbles" for a few minutes - didn't want to melt it. place all items on paper towel to dry (I plan to buy a germ guardian to replace the paper towel step).

The respiratory therapist had said to prepare several bottles of sterile water (boil for 5 minutes, rinse clean container w/ the sterile water & then pour the sterile water into the container). She said that this water can then be stored in my cabinets). To clean the nebs/mask she said to wash all w/ hot, soapy water, rinse with hot water, rinse with my prepared sterile water, and then place on paper towel to dry. This sounded a little scary to me, but she said that is the information that they were given at last years conference.

Sorry to be so long winded, I just feel so overwhelmed at the moment and hoping for encouragement/advice.


New member
After culturing pseudomonas, we did Max's first nebulized treatment last night. It was so awful. He sits so beautifully for his vest, but he wanted nothing to do with the nebs. He cried so hard until he just gave up, exhausted (initially my husband had to hold his hands because he kept pulling the mask free). I feel like I am on that emotional roller coaster again & am on pins and needles until the next treatment.

On top of that, I feel paralyzed about the whole sterilizing issue. There seems to be such differing opinions. Here's what I've come up with, please chime in if I'm off base: wash nebulizer components & "bubbles" mask in hot/soapy water. rinse all w/ hot water. boil the nebulizer components for 5 minutes, then pull pan off burner & throw in "bubbles" for a few minutes - didn't want to melt it. place all items on paper towel to dry (I plan to buy a germ guardian to replace the paper towel step).

The respiratory therapist had said to prepare several bottles of sterile water (boil for 5 minutes, rinse clean container w/ the sterile water & then pour the sterile water into the container). She said that this water can then be stored in my cabinets). To clean the nebs/mask she said to wash all w/ hot, soapy water, rinse with hot water, rinse with my prepared sterile water, and then place on paper towel to dry. This sounded a little scary to me, but she said that is the information that they were given at last years conference.

Sorry to be so long winded, I just feel so overwhelmed at the moment and hoping for encouragement/advice.


New member
After culturing pseudomonas, we did Max's first nebulized treatment last night. It was so awful. He sits so beautifully for his vest, but he wanted nothing to do with the nebs. He cried so hard until he just gave up, exhausted (initially my husband had to hold his hands because he kept pulling the mask free). I feel like I am on that emotional roller coaster again & am on pins and needles until the next treatment.
<br />
<br />On top of that, I feel paralyzed about the whole sterilizing issue. There seems to be such differing opinions. Here's what I've come up with, please chime in if I'm off base: wash nebulizer components & "bubbles" mask in hot/soapy water. rinse all w/ hot water. boil the nebulizer components for 5 minutes, then pull pan off burner & throw in "bubbles" for a few minutes - didn't want to melt it. place all items on paper towel to dry (I plan to buy a germ guardian to replace the paper towel step).
<br />
<br />The respiratory therapist had said to prepare several bottles of sterile water (boil for 5 minutes, rinse clean container w/ the sterile water & then pour the sterile water into the container). She said that this water can then be stored in my cabinets). To clean the nebs/mask she said to wash all w/ hot, soapy water, rinse with hot water, rinse with my prepared sterile water, and then place on paper towel to dry. This sounded a little scary to me, but she said that is the information that they were given at last years conference.
<br />
<br />Sorry to be so long winded, I just feel so overwhelmed at the moment and hoping for encouragement/advice.


I know its all overwhelming, but just like the vest and everything else, it will become routine. (((HUGS)))

When Alyssa was Max's age, I would wait until we got her to sleep and then do the neb -- it was just WAY less screaming and crying. Now she's a champ and helps squeeze the meds in and hold the neb the whole time.

I know its tough...a lot of it is the age, but it will get easier.

As for sterilizing, we always used a baby bottle steam sterilizer for the microwave and now we run the nebs through a sterilizing phase on our diswasher. We have enough sets for 2 days, so I run them every other night. I'm considering getting some more sets, but so far this is working well.


I know its all overwhelming, but just like the vest and everything else, it will become routine. (((HUGS)))

When Alyssa was Max's age, I would wait until we got her to sleep and then do the neb -- it was just WAY less screaming and crying. Now she's a champ and helps squeeze the meds in and hold the neb the whole time.

I know its tough...a lot of it is the age, but it will get easier.

As for sterilizing, we always used a baby bottle steam sterilizer for the microwave and now we run the nebs through a sterilizing phase on our diswasher. We have enough sets for 2 days, so I run them every other night. I'm considering getting some more sets, but so far this is working well.


I know its all overwhelming, but just like the vest and everything else, it will become routine. (((HUGS)))

When Alyssa was Max's age, I would wait until we got her to sleep and then do the neb -- it was just WAY less screaming and crying. Now she's a champ and helps squeeze the meds in and hold the neb the whole time.

I know its tough...a lot of it is the age, but it will get easier.

As for sterilizing, we always used a baby bottle steam sterilizer for the microwave and now we run the nebs through a sterilizing phase on our diswasher. We have enough sets for 2 days, so I run them every other night. I'm considering getting some more sets, but so far this is working well.


I know its all overwhelming, but just like the vest and everything else, it will become routine. (((HUGS)))

When Alyssa was Max's age, I would wait until we got her to sleep and then do the neb -- it was just WAY less screaming and crying. Now she's a champ and helps squeeze the meds in and hold the neb the whole time.

I know its tough...a lot of it is the age, but it will get easier.

As for sterilizing, we always used a baby bottle steam sterilizer for the microwave and now we run the nebs through a sterilizing phase on our diswasher. We have enough sets for 2 days, so I run them every other night. I'm considering getting some more sets, but so far this is working well.


I know its all overwhelming, but just like the vest and everything else, it will become routine. (((HUGS)))
<br />
<br />When Alyssa was Max's age, I would wait until we got her to sleep and then do the neb -- it was just WAY less screaming and crying. Now she's a champ and helps squeeze the meds in and hold the neb the whole time.
<br />
<br />I know its tough...a lot of it is the age, but it will get easier.
<br />
<br />As for sterilizing, we always used a baby bottle steam sterilizer for the microwave and now we run the nebs through a sterilizing phase on our diswasher. We have enough sets for 2 days, so I run them every other night. I'm considering getting some more sets, but so far this is working well.


New member
My daughter will not use the mask. We just hold the mouthpiece in front of her nose/mouth so that she is breathing it in. This is actually how they did it at the hospital also for my infant. As for the sterilization, I am not much help there...I just wash them as normal and have never had any problems.


New member
My daughter will not use the mask. We just hold the mouthpiece in front of her nose/mouth so that she is breathing it in. This is actually how they did it at the hospital also for my infant. As for the sterilization, I am not much help there...I just wash them as normal and have never had any problems.


New member
My daughter will not use the mask. We just hold the mouthpiece in front of her nose/mouth so that she is breathing it in. This is actually how they did it at the hospital also for my infant. As for the sterilization, I am not much help there...I just wash them as normal and have never had any problems.


New member
My daughter will not use the mask. We just hold the mouthpiece in front of her nose/mouth so that she is breathing it in. This is actually how they did it at the hospital also for my infant. As for the sterilization, I am not much help there...I just wash them as normal and have never had any problems.


New member
My daughter will not use the mask. We just hold the mouthpiece in front of her nose/mouth so that she is breathing it in. This is actually how they did it at the hospital also for my infant. As for the sterilization, I am not much help there...I just wash them as normal and have never had any problems.


Staff member
DS didn't like having the elastic around his head at first with the mask, so one of us would always hold it to his face. Now that he's older he doesn't mind 'cuz he plays video games during treatments.

As for cleaning neb cups, I know you can boil the bubbles the fish mask, but it will get discolored and the elastic will eventually fray. I wash neb cups in soapy water, boil for 10 minutes and then I pour the boiling water over the bubbles mask.


Staff member
DS didn't like having the elastic around his head at first with the mask, so one of us would always hold it to his face. Now that he's older he doesn't mind 'cuz he plays video games during treatments.

As for cleaning neb cups, I know you can boil the bubbles the fish mask, but it will get discolored and the elastic will eventually fray. I wash neb cups in soapy water, boil for 10 minutes and then I pour the boiling water over the bubbles mask.


Staff member
DS didn't like having the elastic around his head at first with the mask, so one of us would always hold it to his face. Now that he's older he doesn't mind 'cuz he plays video games during treatments.

As for cleaning neb cups, I know you can boil the bubbles the fish mask, but it will get discolored and the elastic will eventually fray. I wash neb cups in soapy water, boil for 10 minutes and then I pour the boiling water over the bubbles mask.


Staff member
DS didn't like having the elastic around his head at first with the mask, so one of us would always hold it to his face. Now that he's older he doesn't mind 'cuz he plays video games during treatments.

As for cleaning neb cups, I know you can boil the bubbles the fish mask, but it will get discolored and the elastic will eventually fray. I wash neb cups in soapy water, boil for 10 minutes and then I pour the boiling water over the bubbles mask.


Staff member
DS didn't like having the elastic around his head at first with the mask, so one of us would always hold it to his face. Now that he's older he doesn't mind 'cuz he plays video games during treatments.
<br />
<br />As for cleaning neb cups, I know you can boil the bubbles the fish mask, but it will get discolored and the elastic will eventually fray. I wash neb cups in soapy water, boil for 10 minutes and then I pour the boiling water over the bubbles mask.