First tooth


New member

My son just got his first tooth and today I noticed that it looks like it has a gray spot on it. Now he is our first, so I don't know what baby teeth look like when they come in. I would assume they should be white. Has anyone had teeth that look discolored on their baby? I am wondering if some of the meds can be causing problems. So far he has taken Creon, as well as TOBI and cipro.



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I've noticed ds's have also been discolored in parts -- figured it was probably from all the meds he's been on since birth -- IV antibiotics for the first 6 weeks of life, tobi, adeks, actiall, keflex... When I had my wisdom teeth pulled 15 years ago, I recall the dentist remarking that I must've been on antibiotics when I was younger because he could see striations in the tooth.

DS's spots don't appear to be getting any worse. And we brush his teeth at least twice a day. Next week we're going to the dentist, so guess we'll find out. Crossing our fingers. L


New member
My son's teeth were very discolored when they came in, but he wasn't diagnosed until he was 10 months and he was very malnourished, so they thought it was due to this. However, his teeth continue to not look great, I do take him in about every 8 months to the dentist at Children's for a thourgh cleaning, they are able to get them looking good for a short while. I'm hoping that his adult teeth will be better.

Mom to 3 1/2 yr old son w/cf


New member

Certain antibiotics can cause discoloration of teeth, both baby teeth and permanent teeth. What kind of meds is he on?


New member
Right now he is on vitamax, prevacid, and enzymes. He did take TOBI and Cipro about a month ago (hopefully we eradicated so we won't have to again.) Those are the two I am most concerned about. Carrie


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My teeth are definitly discoloured from some meds I take. The enamal on my teeth is also a bit shotty too, and causes weakness which is also from some meds.


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His discoloration is grey spots. Is that what you guys have? Have any doctors or dentists given you any reason why?


New member

I don't know for sure about Tobi or Cipro, but I do know for sure that the "cyclines" (tetracycline, minocycline...) are a culprut of tooth discoloration. If I were you, I would #1, put in a call to your/your DH's dentist and ask his opinion and #2, schedule your child for the first dentist appointment.

Keep us posted!


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I will keep an eye on ashtons teeth he is getting his second one and his first one looks fine ill let you know if i see anything he hasent beenon any major antibiotics yet except for after his surgeries..


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I myself don't really have grey spots, so much as my teeth are flat-out yellow. I don't think it's so widespread anymore, but when I was a kid, a common antibiotic (or set) had something in it that turned teeth yellow from the inside. In other words, no amount of whitening toothpaste or gel is going to make a difference. My teeth are yellow from the outside all the way in. Like I said, I don't know if the stuff is even still used, but it happened a lot for CFers because we're always put on such a huge bunch of crap (something is bound to screw up, right?). Heh.


New member
I have the same problem as Emily. My teeth don't have grey spots, but they are yellow, regardless of the fact that I brush twice a day with whitening toothpast. I've been told by both my dentist and doctor that it was caused by meds while I was growing up.


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Our daughter is 2 1/2 years old and we give her flouride drops.

Charlotte<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


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I was born with a tooth that had no enamal. My daughter now 8 had 4 baby teeth (top front) that were the same. We had not been on meds at all. My teeth are now fine with the exception of one molar that never had a perminate root (still baby tooth) and the ones that she has lost have came in normal as well.


My daughter has yellow teeth. I've always thought it was from her Adeks vitamins. She isn't really on alot of other meds. Do you think it could be from the vitamins?


New member
Sean's teeth are a bit more yellow than I'd like. His dentist told us he did have some staining from his meds.

Always make sure your kids brush after any kind of breathing treatment. Inhaled meds are really hard on their teeth.


Boy, now you got me really wondering. Abby does her treatments first thing in the morning and then brushes her teeth and at night she will do her treatments and then go and brush her teeth and take out her contacts etc. Her teeth are not real bad but they are not "white".


Staff member
So yesterday I had a regular cleaning scheduled for myself and they suggested I bring along Max so he can see what a dental visit entails. He jumped into the chair before I could sit down and demanded the hygenist turn on the light.

They showed him how they cleaned my teeth, sucked out the water, polished and flossed. Then they had the dentist come in and look at his teeth. He was great. Just sat there so good. He has 20 teeth that look in great shape; however, he has quite a bit of build up and staining. The staining was what I was concerned with on his lower inside front teeth. I was worried it was decay from all the meds (sugar based). Anyway, need to try to get Max to let me brush longer and we scheduled a cleaning for three months for him. I was relieved to find out that his teeth were fine, cuz those front teeth have always been discolored.

The dentist did say that inhaled steroids can cause problems with teeth (he's not on any) Sugar based meds -- make sure we try to get him to rinse well. Staining probably from the vitamins (adek drops).

I've been using baby tooth and gum paste on him for the most part -- stuff that's safe for little people to swallow, so it probably doesn't have the abrasiveness regular toothpastes have. So we got home and he wanted to use his new toothbrush, so his dad put a tiny bit of Spongebob kids toothpaste on it. Results were almost instant -- got rid of most of the build up. So I tossed the baby toothpaste and we've moved on to hello kitty & cars toothpaste. Whatever works. Liza