Fish oil


Super Moderator
Do you take? What brand do you take? I do give fish oil daily to my daughter. In the past I had bought Nordic Naturals. last time I just got what was at the drug store. Thinking of going back to Nordic Naturals...What types do you use?


New member
Our whole family takes it . . . We started giving it to my son (with CF) because of the high vitamin A and D levels. This is the brand we take.

And this is why we take this brand. (Great site for research / info.)

The taste is a bit of a challenge for us, but not for my son who has been taking it since he was very young. Worth it for the nutrition though. My son's (Df508) vitamin A levels were perfect even without adding the CF vitamin AquADEKs. It is available in capsule form, but more expensive. There are a few other brands Weston Price is recommending now as well.