Flip Flops in the workplace


Staff member
I know flip flop sandals are popular these days. I myself have never worn them except at the public swimming pool thru the locker room and onto the pool deck, or to the beach. But lately most of my female coworkers have been wearing them. Hear that constant slap slap slap coming down the hall about every 10 minutes. I just think they're not appropriate work attire. We don't have a dress code where we work -- probably business casual -- khakis, polo shirts, summer skirts and dresses. Now one of the GUYs in my office has started to wear them with his khakis and striped "big" shirts. Just seems sloppy to me! Plus the guy needs a PEDICURE and some antifungal treatment for his nails. Just my opinion. A little vent. I feel much better now. L


New member
I am a bit of a fanatic when it comes to dressing appropriate for the work place. The girls I use to work with were bad about it. They say they couldnt afford it, but I always told them that you dont have to dress expensive to dress appropriate. We had to stop having Casual Friday because of how people took advantage. Lets just say that what most people would wear on casual friday is how most people dressed on a regular day. We also had a dress code & worked with the public, but it didnt seem to matter to some! I understand your vent...especially the flip flips (its like someone snapping their fingers all day) LOL!


New member
They just had a report about this on I believe it was The Today Show.

I was shocked to hear how many people are wearing flip flops in the work place. I have recently started bartending at the local American Legion and I won't even wear sandals to work. I feel it is TOTALLY inappropriate.



New member
constantly wearing inapropriate footwear such as flip flops and trainers without the laces tied, leads to bad posture sore backs and sore feet.
And it does sound quite annoying, slap slap slap all day long


I think perhaps if they aren't casual every day flip flops (I know I have some nicer ones that I wear if I want to dress up) and they don't walk around slapping all the time it's appropriate.. most times it isn't though and I think it has a lot to do with common sense. In anycase flip flops are supposed to be bad for your feet. <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.mlive.com/news/fljournal/index.ssf?/base/news-37/1150633230118730.xml&coll=5


New member
What an interesting article!

I would have never guessed flip flops are bad for you.

I will have to have my teenage daughters read this article. They must have 10 pairs of flip flops in every style and color.



New member
i have to out myself as a flip flop wearer in the work place.
 Mine are cute and my toes are cute and they're comfortable.
 I hate being in heels all day etc.  And I find listening
to heels go click click click ever bit as annoying as flip flop
flip...what say you all to rollerblades in the office?


New member
I work as a software tech.

In the warmer months most of the people
me too, go without shoes in the building,
your setting behind 2 PC's and a MAc, you ma have
6 or 7 tech chats going at once, so it is good to be
relaxed, so as long as you wear clean shorts and a top that covers( for the woman) nobody has a problem with it <img src="i/expressions/sun.gif" border="0">


New member
How do you guys feel about tube tops at work guys? I think it's kind of calling it close, but i'm on the fence. I will have to post on that later when I have come to a conclusion. As per the flip flop at work debate, I just look at it like I can always tell when someone who I think is probably not worth talking to is approaching.



New member
It's probably not the slap slap slap that drives me nuts, but the gnarly looking feet. If you're going to wear something that shows off your feet then slough off that dry skin on the heels, ditto with discolored callouses, have clean feet & nails...