Flu shot shortage


New member
Just wondering if anyone else is having the same problem? We can not find a flu shot for our ds anywhere in town... Our doctors were among those who ordered from the British supplier and, at this time, do not have any flu shots. Our specialists also apparently ordered from the same supplier; however, they will be getting some in around December but not for those of us who see them at satellite clinics. Currently, the county health dept doesn't even know when/if they will be getting any! I've tried the places that hold flu shot clinics; however, those all have age restrictions -must be at least 9, or at some, 12. Even our urgent care clinics don't have any. Does anyone else have any ideas? Anyone in the same boat? My ds is 6 and has not yet been hospitalized & is relatively healthy although he is on lots of maintenance medicines and usually requires multiple rounds of antibiotics every winter plus oral steroids and the regular maintenance meds. Obviously, I still worry about him, especially since they're saying it will be another bad flu season...


New member
I live in Illinois..and am definitely having the same prob. I just found out today that the clinics that were scheduled for this year...have all been cancelled due to the shortage. I have called local hospitals..and they are either out or only giving them to employees. My doctor s office is going to have them...but not until the end of the month..and on a first come first serve basis. That is a 2 hour drive for me. I am 31..so not young anymore....and I dont bounce back as quickly as I use to. Not sure where you live...but have you tried a VNA (Visiting Nurses Association)..they usually have flu shots available as well. I do know that on the radio and news they have said that if a person is high risk, elderly, or an infant..they will be served before anyone that is "healthy". I have a feeling...this is going to be a BIG problem ....<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">
Take care...and Good Luck!


New member
Thanks, Dea. Yes, the VNA is the one that's holding a clinic that will give shots to those 9 and older. All the general public clinics are for age 12 and older although even those are now rationing and will only be giving to those who fall in the "high risk" category. Good news for all of the over 12 crowd but no help for my son. I can't believe your dr's office would do a "first come, first serve" basis! Well, actually, I guess is it "first come, first serve" among high risk groups or just general patient population? The sad thing is my ds needs the shot worse than me or dh or our older ds; however, we'll all be able to get them through the VNA or drugstore clinics since we're all over 12 and have asthma.

Good luck finding one for yourself!!!!


New member
Hi Again,
Would it help if you got a written note from your doctor stating that your son needs the flu shot...Is a shame they go by age and not by need. Yes...my docs office is first come first serve among the high risk...thank goodness! Thank you!


New member
The company that is responsible for the shortage of the flu vaccine is the Chiron corp, the same co that makes our inhaled tobramycin (TOBI). The reason given is that the batch they had manufactured was "contaminated", by what, I don't know.


New member
I am surprised your CF clinic hasn't come up with a solution. We are military and always get a script for the flu shot so that my girls get their shot at the same time as the active duty members get theirs. Today we just happened to be in clinic and they just gave my younger one (14) her shot and when my older one (17) went in for her port flush they gave her hers as well. I would think that if you had a prescription from your CF clinic that the visiting nurse would have to follow it. I don't know where you live but it seems to me that any hospital could follow that script.



New member
Hi, Liza...
I'm military too, and was just at a CF clinic weds., but they told me they didn't have the vaccine for military yet. Where did you get yours, if you don't mind me asking? I think I'll just go to a walk-in clinic as my doctor did write me a prescription for it so I wouldn't have to wait for the MTF to get their supply.


New member
Hi, I asked my husband today if they'd started getting their flu shots yet and he said no. (he works in the hospital so he usually finds out first) This is the first time in years that our girls have gotten them before him. We're stationed at Offutt and they haven't gotten theirs in yet either. Our girls got theirs at the CF clinic at UNMC here in Omaha. (university of nebraska medical center) Where to do you go to clinic? Being military you should not have any problem getting your flu shot when they get them in. CF'ers and their family members are in that priority bracket. Like I said before, we usually just get a script from our PCM for the flu shot, which is the only way to get it if you are not an AD member. I'd be sure to get it from your PCM and not your civilian doc (if you go to a civilian doc for CF clinic). Then just ask the immunizations clinic when they might be expecting it, tell them you are in the high risk catagory and have a prescription. Then just keep checking because it might come in earlier. To be honest this is earlier than last year that my girls got their shots. I think we waited until mid Oct. last year. I guess I could look at their shot records. I have them record it every year. Except this year because they got it from the CF clinic. I wouldn't get in a panic just yet. You want it to last through all of winter anyways.



New member
My husband and i got our flu shots today at our GP doctor. First thing they said was "we are only giving them to high risk" and we repied great our daughter has cf. They didn't even ask us for any proof!! I thought it would be a little more controlled?


Speaking of being more controlled, I thought the same thing. I called about a week ago to my primary care clinic and made appointments for myself and all 5 of my children (the 2 girls have CF and 1 of my sons has asthma). They didn't ask a single question about being high risk or anything else. She just made the appointments. I was fully prepared to have to explain why we needed the shots. The appointment date they made is in November so I asked if there was a risk of them running out before then and she told me no, that they are making appointments on a first come first serve basis until they have enough appointments to use up all the shots they have on hand. I was a little taken aback that they aren't even questioning whether a person is high risk or not, but just doing it on a first come first serve basis. You would think they would at least question it. My employer gives flu shots each year to the employees and their families (we have over 4000 employees, not counting the family members) and they cancelled them all this year (which I thought was appropriate). If all the dr offices would conserve the shots and use them for the people who really need them there would be more for those people. It's no wonder some people who need them aren't able to get them because some offices are just giving them to the first person to call. I thought that was sad.


New member
To the original poster of this thread. Call them & tell them your son is under 12, but that he has CF. That should cause them to make an exception. You could also have your son's doctor write a note stating that it's imperative that he get the shot. Good Luck<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I just found out yesterday that my CF clinic is NOT receiving any shots...and I live in a small community where no flu shots are being sent. By the way...I go to the CF Clinic at Washington University in St.Louis at Barnes Jewish North...Its a pretty good size clinic...I cant believe they are not getting any shots. I dont know what I am going to do..doesnt look like I will be getting the flu shot. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">
31w/CF and CFRD


New member
I was able to have both of my sons receive the flu shot, but my husband and I can't figure out how to get one! Our clinic told us to try different pharmacies, but most of them do not have a supply this year or are only giving to high risk. My husband visited his general Dr. (my husband is a health care provider himself, so you'd think he'd automatically be able to have one since he sees so many patients a day) and explained the situation, but they told him no as well. Frustrating. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">



New member
I asked my husband today if the shots had come in to the immunizations clinic yet and he said that he didn't think they were going to be getting any. He too is a provider but in ENT so his chances of seeing the flu are way less than if he were still in Family Practice. I'm just glad that I didn't pass up the chance for my girls to get their shot at their CF clinic. I usually do and just get them at the base.

Dea, I'm so surprised that your clinic isn't getting them in. I know I've heard about the shortage and all but now that I"m starting to read how some hospitals aren't getting them in it's unbelievable. Hopefully all will be fine.

Renee, I'm sure that since you were talking to your primary care clinic that they know your family history. That you are in a high risk catagory and didn't need to check right then and there.

Lets all hope that clinics giving flu shots are checking that people claiming to be high risk really are. And may we all stay well this flu season.

(mom of 2 teen girls w/CF)


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I just talked to my pulmonary clinic today and they told me the ran out of flu shots!!! I can't believe it, I don't know what I'm going to do. They just started giving them out and now they are already out. It's a big clinic in Boston---can't believe they don't have anymore.


New member
It seems like everyone is in the same boat this year. Emily has an appointment next Friday to get her shot at Yale New Haven (assuming they have received their supply!), but my mother-in-law who is 89 and my husband who is 50 and has Early on-set Parkinson's are stuck for shots. Needless to say, my 17 year old healthy daughter and I are nowhere near getting our shots this year! The doctor said maybe at the end of November when things ease up, they will start a second round of shots, but again they will be restricted to high risk groups and families of people in the high risk groups. So at this point, we are all "wait and see".<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0">


New member
I called my cf clinic in Boston and they too do not have any (which shocked me!) My 4 year old did receive his shot from our pedi. My cf clinic did send a note so if my husband and I are able to find a clinic that is offering the shot we can show the note as proof that our 10 week old has cf.



New member
Hi Paula, I just read in the paper this morning that Mass is getting another dose of flu shots. The state had ordered 655,000 doses and will recieve 429,000. So, hopefully you and your family will be able to get one in the new batch. I finally got mine today at clinic.