Folate-normalizes DHA in cf patient


New member
Hi guys-<br>
I posted this in the family section a few days ago...nobody
responded...thought I would explain it because it is VERY
In the Journal of CF this month, there is a case study of a 6 year
old child with cf who has been on high dose vitamin B-9 (FOLIC
ACID) since her diagnosis (diagnosed at birth.)<br>
At 2 months old she had positive sweat tests,  and her
genotypes were identified. Her fatty acid imbalance was tested and
was concluded to be that of hallmark cf  imbalance.<br>
Her doctors started the mother on high dose folic acid to see if
they could help restore the DHA levels in the baby girl....she was
breast feeding at the time.  Within months DHA was reversed
and was better than control baby.  Since then the child has
been on high dose Folic Acid and B-12 and has NO clinical,
radiological symptoms of cf.  She is not on enzymes and was
not started on them at birth....however, she did have stool samples
done as an infant that showed need for enzymes.  Doctors
waited to see if there would be an improvement in weight and there
Having said all of this, most bacteria synthesize folic acid to
grow (including psuedo and mycobacteria), for adults maybe not a
good idea, but for young ones....this is amazing.<br>
I am sure as you remember, high DHA doses reversed the organ
pathology  of cf in cf knockout mice...meaning it cured
them...but high dose DHA is not feasible in humans because it is
too toxic.<br>
Wouldn't it be fantastic if it were that easy?  Just like
Lorenzo's oil????  And the case report is from Italy.....a
 larger study is being organized.<br>
I have the article if anyone wants it.....a friend with cf sent it
to me.<br>
It is possible to be allergic to Folic Acid....FYI<br>


New member
So if a child has cultured PA does that mean this would not be a good idea for that particular child? This is interesting.....thanks for sharing.


New member
I wish I knew Carrie!<br>
Interestingly, as far as I can tell, many antibiotics work by
shutting down the bacteria's ability to synthesize folic acid.<br>
I had this same question when I started glutathione.  Many
bacteria use glutathione for growth as well.....but, a cfer is no
question depleted in glutathione.  M y question was could the
bacteria use the glutathione or was I doing a good thing by
leveling out the playing field so to speak.  In my case, I
chose to take glutathione because I wasn't doing that well to begin
So, let's just say, a cfer were to take high dose folic acid and in
2 months the fatty acid imbalance is normalized...that would allow
the lungs to react better to infection (no inflammation)  The
article did say that the fatty acid normalization helped the mutant
cftr to function..<br>
I tried 800 mcg folate and my body had a hot flash.....the dosage
the child was on was atleast 4500 mcg a day.  That is a hell
of a lot of folate.  B-12 was added because Folic acid can
deplete B-12.<br>


New member
Do you have a link to this study? It is very interesting to me as well, particularly because it involves the combination of breastfeeding (very high in DHA) and folic acid.


PS You can post it or PM me ;-)