food to lung symptom correlations?


I don't want to seem like I'm advocating anything here, I know there's a lot of parents in this forum, I'm just asking questions.

So, I feel like I've noticed a pattern over a few years that certain foods seem to exacerbate symptoms symptoms of inflammation or congestion, at least temporarily. Namely some dairy, breads and sugar. Though it's hard to notice since there's a delayed reaction and it seems to change. I've heard this theory from some but haven't found hard evidence. has anyone noticed this correlation, or does a nutritionist want to chime in on this subject?



I don't want to seem like I'm advocating anything here, I know there's a lot of parents in this forum, I'm just asking questions.

So, I feel like I've noticed a pattern over a few years that certain foods seem to exacerbate symptoms symptoms of inflammation or congestion, at least temporarily. Namely some dairy, breads and sugar. Though it's hard to notice since there's a delayed reaction and it seems to change. I've heard this theory from some but haven't found hard evidence. has anyone noticed this correlation, or does a nutritionist want to chime in on this subject?



I don't want to seem like I'm advocating anything here, I know there's a lot of parents in this forum, I'm just asking questions.
<br />
<br />So, I feel like I've noticed a pattern over a few years that certain foods seem to exacerbate symptoms symptoms of inflammation or congestion, at least temporarily. Namely some dairy, breads and sugar. Though it's hard to notice since there's a delayed reaction and it seems to change. I've heard this theory from some but haven't found hard evidence. has anyone noticed this correlation, or does a nutritionist want to chime in on this subject?
<br />
<br />Thanks
<br />Eric


New member
i did not notice exacerbation of symptoms, but keeping my dd's diet on the alkaline side and giving her lemon water to drink frequently seemed to lessen the congestion.


New member
i did not notice exacerbation of symptoms, but keeping my dd's diet on the alkaline side and giving her lemon water to drink frequently seemed to lessen the congestion.


New member
i did not notice exacerbation of symptoms, but keeping my dd's diet on the alkaline side and giving her lemon water to drink frequently seemed to lessen the congestion.


New member
I have noticed that I feel better when I'm eating mainly fruits and veggies, keeping my carb and sugar intake low. But I can't really put any solid proof behind that! I'm also working out at the same time, so that has a lot to do with it as well.


New member
I have noticed that I feel better when I'm eating mainly fruits and veggies, keeping my carb and sugar intake low. But I can't really put any solid proof behind that! I'm also working out at the same time, so that has a lot to do with it as well.


New member
I have noticed that I feel better when I'm eating mainly fruits and veggies, keeping my carb and sugar intake low. But I can't really put any solid proof behind that! I'm also working out at the same time, so that has a lot to do with it as well.


New member
All grains contain anti-nutrients that can cause damage to the gut resulting in inflammation. Sugar is a huge inflammatory substance and can destroy tissue (i.e diabetics and wound healing problems). In my opinion the best diet is lots of vegetables, pasture raised animals (good ratio of omega 3/6), and a small amount of fruit. Many people have resolved or greatly improved their inflammatory based illnesses by modifying their diet.


New member
All grains contain anti-nutrients that can cause damage to the gut resulting in inflammation. Sugar is a huge inflammatory substance and can destroy tissue (i.e diabetics and wound healing problems). In my opinion the best diet is lots of vegetables, pasture raised animals (good ratio of omega 3/6), and a small amount of fruit. Many people have resolved or greatly improved their inflammatory based illnesses by modifying their diet.


New member
All grains contain anti-nutrients that can cause damage to the gut resulting in inflammation. Sugar is a huge inflammatory substance and can destroy tissue (i.e diabetics and wound healing problems). In my opinion the best diet is lots of vegetables, pasture raised animals (good ratio of omega 3/6), and a small amount of fruit. Many people have resolved or greatly improved their inflammatory based illnesses by modifying their diet.


New member
You are dead on it! DAIRY, BREAD (WHEAT) and SUGAR! It sounds simple, but these are in just about everything! The only way I've found to really avoid those things is to eat RAW. Which I am in process of doing. I am in no way even close to eating completely RAW, but an herbalist said at a CF specific conference, that 75% RAW is best for CF! WHY? When food is still FOOD (un processed) our body doesn't have to strain to break it down to extract nutrients. That means EASIER absorption, digestion and bm for us!!! It's working for me, just a slow process to change my diet.

The sugar in fruit is not the same as a candy bar. In my nutrition studies, I learned that fruit sugars are necessary and the easiest carb to process. So load up on leafy greens and fruit and avoid candy, wheat bread and dairy. Just my thoughts.


New member
You are dead on it! DAIRY, BREAD (WHEAT) and SUGAR! It sounds simple, but these are in just about everything! The only way I've found to really avoid those things is to eat RAW. Which I am in process of doing. I am in no way even close to eating completely RAW, but an herbalist said at a CF specific conference, that 75% RAW is best for CF! WHY? When food is still FOOD (un processed) our body doesn't have to strain to break it down to extract nutrients. That means EASIER absorption, digestion and bm for us!!! It's working for me, just a slow process to change my diet.

The sugar in fruit is not the same as a candy bar. In my nutrition studies, I learned that fruit sugars are necessary and the easiest carb to process. So load up on leafy greens and fruit and avoid candy, wheat bread and dairy. Just my thoughts.


New member
You are dead on it! DAIRY, BREAD (WHEAT) and SUGAR! It sounds simple, but these are in just about everything! The only way I've found to really avoid those things is to eat RAW. Which I am in process of doing. I am in no way even close to eating completely RAW, but an herbalist said at a CF specific conference, that 75% RAW is best for CF! WHY? When food is still FOOD (un processed) our body doesn't have to strain to break it down to extract nutrients. That means EASIER absorption, digestion and bm for us!!! It's working for me, just a slow process to change my diet.
<br />
<br />The sugar in fruit is not the same as a candy bar. In my nutrition studies, I learned that fruit sugars are necessary and the easiest carb to process. So load up on leafy greens and fruit and avoid candy, wheat bread and dairy. Just my thoughts.


New member
YUP, same here- dairy, wheat products, and sugar. All seem to have a negative affect on my sinuses, lung health, skin complextion, digestion.


New member
YUP, same here- dairy, wheat products, and sugar. All seem to have a negative affect on my sinuses, lung health, skin complextion, digestion.


New member
YUP, same here- dairy, wheat products, and sugar. All seem to have a negative affect on my sinuses, lung health, skin complextion, digestion.