Foster son is 8 y/o wears size 4, chronic cough, advanced sweat test........


New member
came back 48 and great great grandparent has CF gene but not CF. He
doesn't have bowel problems, usually cough is tight and dry, he
doesn't sweat much at all, he doesn't taste of salt. But he is way
smaller then he's 6 y/o brother. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0"> We did x-rays Thursday
and we do pulmonary function test and second sweat test on the
13th. What does all this mean?? He has been coughing since birth.
Could he be at the beginning of it??? I know that the Dr. is
worried because she called me from home. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0"> Please anything,
something you all have been though this in some way or another!!
Thank you


New member
Wow and I thought I had my hands full with 3 kids in the house and hubby working away (1 step son and 2 daughters).

The thing with CF is that you just don't know until the test results come back. CF is a complex disease which shows it's face in many different forms for different people. Certain mutations of the gene have specific common symptoms and for some people they don't sweat so much and taste salty. The fact that your foster child doesn't might mean he will fall into that catergory of people who's sweat test comes back negative but is not necessarily correct. The best thing to is to have the genetic blood test done to get a true answer.

I hope it does all come back negative but if not then please keep coming here for support and answers to questions.


New member
i just read your story. I have a 3 year old foster son who I am getting ready to adopt. I just found out yestertday that his sweat test came back posative. He has a sibling with CF. I take him to a speciaslist soon.


New member
It definetly sounds like he has CF. My son is 3, although he doesnt have the chronic cough, a lot of kids do. My son has more of the bowel problems. This is definetly a great place to get any sort of information about CF. You can learn a lot from other parents who children have CF. If you have any questions about CF please contact me. I have learned so much about CF. I have also hosted multiple fundraisers for the CF Foundation.



New member
Did he have the Ambry 1300 genetic mutation test done? I and my brother have normal sweat tests and no bowel issues but do have the chronic cough. My brother was very thin growing up also. You have to have two cf genes to have the disease and the Ambry checks for 1300 mutations.
Here is the link for information on the genetic test <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>