Foundation Care Pharmacy


New member
A while ago someone posted that the Foundation Care Pharmacy was
 good place to get relatively inexpensive ($36 for a months
worth of 2 per day), pre-mixed Hypertonic Saline.  I've been
looking at their site this morning ( and
it says they serve the St. Louis and surrounding areas.  I'm
in Northwestern Wisconsin.  Does anyone out there use their
services and get the meds shipped long distances?  Also, are
they reliable and would you recommend them to others?


Super Moderator
I may have made that post. They ship it to us and we are in CA, so I don't think you will have a problem with that. I have only ordered one month from them so far so I don't much experience with them.....but so far I would recommend them. Call and talk to someone there, they were very helpful when I called.


New member
I have used them for the past 4 months and they are very reliable. They ship free and I live on the east coast. I buy a two months supply at a time. I highly recommend them.