Friday facts


Super Moderator
It's Friday! :) The school year is just beginning! Please share 4 facts about the things you enjoy(ed) related to SCHOOL/COLLEGE. OR what your kids, grandkids, nieces, nephew, etc. enjoy about school. Here is mine for this week...

1) My favorite subjects were writing, spelling and art class (if that counts:p )

2) I was always excited to meet new friends every year.

3) My favorite food from the school cafeteria was their chicken nuggets with mashed potatoes and gravy. Every time I would ask for 2 extra nuggets! :)

4) My favorite school day was track and field day with all of the fun outside activities. It was always at the end of the year (May) I won the tire roll race in my grade two years in a row. One year, I was rolling the tire so fast to get across the finish line that I RoLLed OveR the tire, got back up, kept going and STILL won! :D It was fun and I was so proud of my little self.

What are your favorite things about school or college? OR your kids/grandkids?


New member
1.) My favorite subject were math and science in high school and college. In my younger days, it was art all the way!
2.) I was always excited to learn something new about the universe each year.
3.) The chicken nuggets and mashed potatoes were also my favorite. And I loved the hot, soft roll that came with that!
4.) My favorite school day of all time was in my senior year of high school in physics class. My teacher let us take the whole day to ask him why things in the universe happened the way they did. I learned a lot of interesting things about physics and the earth in that class.


Digital opinion leader
OF COURSE Art Class counts! It was always my favorite too, which is why I became an art teacher :)

My dearest friend and I met in Art I as freshman. We both went to art school and are art teachers now! Art classes are refreshing, like therapy during a stressful day. Just like other classes, you solve problems, but it's creative and visual so it doesn't seem like work.


1. My favorite subjects in HS were Electronics, Essay Research (but tough), Chemestry and Spanish (though I never really pursued it further - speaking was embarrasing enough in English for me back then) (Least favorite was History-never could remember dates, even now with anniversaries)
2. I hoped to find a date/girlfriend that semester (in HS or College) ;)
3. I actually loved their flimsy pizza in the HS cafeteria...but mouthwatered over "Hot Dog Day" in elementary school.
4. My most favorite day had to be the last day of school in my HS Jr. year -- I recieved a "Perfect Attendance" award for that year...maybe cause I enjoyed my Electronics Class so much