Frustrated over BM's


New member
Does anyone have a child who is around 2 1/2 that is in daycare and seems to have more BM's than at home? She had the meconium ilius w/bowel obstruction and surgery when she was born, does this play a big role in the BM's? Or cause she has the Delta F508 gene mutation? Most of the time she will have 2-3 (every once in a while 4) BM's mostly form to well formed (looking normal). I have asked about her med's and is she getting them before she eats of course that is yes??. One weekend at home she had no BM's then gets to school and all hell breaks loose. 1st and only child, can this be normal for children w/out CF to have that many BM's also. Her weight is about 26 1/2 pounds eats normal for a 2 yr old. Just really concerned w/the BM's and does anyone experience this w/their child and daycare? Sorry to go on about BM's but I'm just to the point I'm stressing over this and worried there may be something else wrong. She takes 2 Enzymes for Breakfast and Lunch, 1 with Snack and 3 with fatty foods, like McDonalds, etc.Frustrated over BM's<font color=white style="background-color: 3E3E3E;">Text</font ft>Thanks to all that reply


New member
My Emily is 20 but presented the exact same way as your daughter. She was not in regular daycare but stayed with her grandmother a couple of days a week when she was two. My only thought would be...are you sure she is getting her enzymes at daycare? That is the only thing I could think of!


New member
I would go over the dosing with the people at day care. Also mention it to the docs. it seems odd that it is only happening at daycare. Could she be having more fatty foods than you realize at daycare?Could there be a potty training issue happening too? (as in we are trying to do it at home, but they let her wear diapers at daycare?) Sometimes kids just "withhold" the BM until they are able to use a diaper.remember that everyone gets constipated sometimes and that if they hold it in all day (or all weekend) it has gotta come out sometime..........I hope this helpsAndrea, a friend calls me "The Poopologist"


New member
One thing came to mind when I read your posting. My husband, mother and I all describe the same BM differently. Or we did. Now, after many get togethers around my daughter and the potty, my husband and I finally know exactly what the other means and what words to use to describe the BM. That is very important. When the daycare workers tell you about her BM's, they need to be describing it as you would.When my daughter is having a problem(such as DIOS), she can have numerous BM's but they are completely different than the numerous BM's she would have if she's malabsorbing. She had a meconium plug at birth resolved with enemas and she gets constipated to the point that we're headed to the doctor and all of the sudden goes back to normal. It's very strange. Anyway, my point is, make sure they know how to describe what they're seeing at daycare accurately.