Fun & Games with the ol' G.I.!


New member
Hey y'all...
When I had my little 'wreck' in Idaho, the GI did a colonoscopy to make sure there was no damage to my colon. When I got home, my GI here in AZ looked at the report & informed me I had a polyp that had to be removed. While it was not cancerous at this time; if left alone it would become colon cancer.
I have a good friend that had to have a colostomy. That aint for me! It SUCKS!
When my GI told me it had to come out, my only response was "why wasn't this already done?" I did not want to wait any longer than absolutely necessary to get that thing out.
That happened yesterday.
We got to PHX on time & everything went just as it was supposed to. Well, other than because I was dehydrated, no one could seem to start an IV in me.
Thank God that's over with.
Hopefully, I won't have any further 'issues' & I can stay the hell away from the doctors for a long while!
Hope y'all have a fine week, see ya later...