fund raising....Great Strides


New member
I am wondering if any of you have suggestions for me. I, for the last 2 years, have participated in the Great Strides Walk. First year, found out 3 weeks before and just sent letters to everyone I knew asking for donations. (raised $1,500.) This year I worked from January until September's walk raising money. (raised $2,200) Not near what I thought I could do!

I made and sold my own greeting cards. ($1.50ea w/100% profit to CF) I made and raffled off a quilt! I hit up local business's with zero luck there! I asked and was awarded a casual day donation from my place of work. I put on an all day scrap book party with all proceeds going to CF. Then before the walk I sent the letters asking my friends/family for donations. ALL of this work and $2,200. later..... Any ideas of how or what I could do to better next year's total??

I am very committed to this cause but finding that raising money isn't easy and there are so many organizations out there asking just as I am. Also find that CF awareness still isn't out there. Lots still ask me what exactly is cf?! SO, what is it that I can do to get more awareness out there?

Also wondering if I had a web-site of my own with the cards and the pictures of the quilt etc.....If that wouldn't help sales? How do I do that? hmmm.....

Also I signed up to help with goody bags to hand out at the walk this year. In the past there are just a few goodies in there from med companies. I would really like to make my gifts something cool. Any ideas on companies I could contact and or any fun ideas would be great!!

I am pretty creative and willing. Just have to find what might go in a big way! Throw me some ideas!


New member
Wow, you have done a lot! As far as websites go, here's a link to <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">another thread</a> that might help.

Anyway, I just wanted to tell you i think you're pretty cool for putting so much effort into a good cause.


New member
Yeah, it's really nice of you.

You are lengthening people's lives. I can try help with the website, although aren't that good...


New member
You could also try this:
1. If you know someone who is involvoed in any type of club, clubs are always looking for ways to volunteer or help communities.

Types of Clubs:
1. Fraternities and sororities
2. College clubs
3. High school or middle school clubs
4. Retirement community clubs

THis works for my husband and I, last year we raised thousands and thousands of money by reaching different kinds of clubs.


New member
it seems that golf is pretty popular, where i live they do golf tournaments and the proceeds toward the organization, we have tricky trays as well- this is where people donate items of all sorts and people buy tickets for so much money a piece and you drop the ticket into the bucket-if your ticket is drawn you win the prize, bingos are really popular lots of basket bingo and pampered chef bingos are done, awesome fun and money raised is a good profit


New member
The club idea is great! I have tried and tried to come up with a way to get clubs to join in but so far no luck. I don't know a lot of people or at least not the right ones. We live in a city with 2 colleges and a jr college as well so should be able to get all kinds of kids involved but when you don't know the right person it just doesn't happen.

The pampered chef and scrap book parties I did were nice. A lot of work but each brought almost $200. I thought maybe would do more but again....I just don't know the right people. The friends I have are broke most of the time! lol.....

The quilt raffle was the best idea. It brought about $400. and that was just hitting people I know and at work etc.... If I could have found a group of people to help sell tickets or a place to display the quilt (bank or church or something like that) it would have been huge I think. I will for sure do that again next year.

Thanks for everyones input!


New member
I commend you guys for doing such fund raisers... I always did the Bowl for Breath as a kid, but I will no longer give money to the CF Foundation. Instead I'll give it to the CF Centers at the local hospitals


New member
Last December we did a bake sale in my hometown. They do a historic night walk through the shops on Main Street. Sleigh rides, kettle korn, carolers and such. My sister owns a salon downtown so we opened it up and did a bake/craft sale and we raised almost $3,000 for two nights. It was so incredible. We had hot chocolate and popcorn inside and did tatoos for the kids. I wish we had a count on the number of people that came through there. The paper did a front page article on my son the week before the event, so we got free advertising. We had people actually just coming in to give us money. 2 different people gave us $100 bills. It all went to the Foundation. I am encouraged by the progress that I see happening to CF patients lives. They are living longer and doing much better than in the past years, so something must be working!


New member
What about a quiz nite, trivia nite, fashion parade whre you get friends together and a local fashion shop to supply clothes for you to model, ask all the local women to pay a fee for a fun girls afo/nite and hold raffles with prizes donated. Put a photo of a child with cf when asking for donations.


Hi, I think you must go for the quilt and it is really a great idea. I think you will surely get the sales and it is the product which runs all months. I saw in Australia that it have good sales!