Fundraising for CF in the NYC Marathon! See Katie's story! All Donations Appreciated!


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I am running the NYC ING Marathon on November 4th and have decided to run for Team Boomer. The Boomer Esiason Foundation is dedicated to fighting Cystic Fibrosis (CF). I am trying to raise $3,000 to support the cause. Please take a quick read below, and would appreciate any donations. Feel free to share with family and friends!

I'd like to share a story about one of my best friends, Katie (the one in the red in my profile picture). I met Katie in college, where we were both members of the cross country and track teams. She has CF and follows an incredibly disciplined routine to help manage the disease. She wakes up at the crack of dawn and spends about 45 minutes using an inhalation machine that delivers her medicine. She repeats this process every evening as well. When she does get sick, the time spent going through this process doubles to about 3 hours per day. A few years ago, she was also diagnosed with CF-related diabetes and must manage this disease as well.

Katie is remarkable because despite her disease, she is an incredible runner. This past track season, Katie had her best collegiate season yet, posting a sub 20:00 minute 5k (3.1 miles). You try running a 5k (or 10k as was her preference) that fast with your lungs malfunctioning! Katie is an amazing runner and friend and her strength, perseverance and sense of humor through everything is truly inspirational to all who have had the honor of knowing her. For this reason, I am running the NYC marathon in celebration of her accomplishments and strength in hopes that it will be a step (albeit a tiny step) toward finding a cure for CF to help her and so many others with the disease. I would LOVE your support as I fundraise to help support the cause.

To learn more about how awesome Katie is, see this video,0,345344.story.

Update on my marathon training: I now have 8 weeks until race day! Crazy how the time flies. I've worked my way up to 14 miles for my long run and the plan to hit about 18-20 stands in place. I'm in crunch mode now, making sure I get the runs in, the cross training, and the lifting so I am ready for the 26.2 miles! Thank you all for your support of me and Team Boomer as we work to raise money to combat Cystic Fibrosis!